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"lovely evening we're having" Redfield said as he approached from the dark bushes with his hands in the air. 

"Look i - don't hold a grudge with any of y'all all right? but this can go hard or it can go easy, you know what i'm here for" He said, lowering his arms and walking closer to the group. 

"let me give you a little demonstration, you see that swing?" he questioned pointing to the swing in the distance, "i got the best bow hunters in the army rangers with me"

JJ stood closer to him, "yeah, mmm" JJ jaws tighten, he held a fire poker in one hand and Lexie's tightly gripped hand in the other. 

Refiled whistled and an arrow flew seconds later hitting the rope of the swing that JJ stood inches away. 

"now they're out there and they'll stick you just as soon as i say so" he whistled again, causing another arrow to land at John B's feet. 

"we clear?" Redfield asked again, JJ slowly lowered the pole, "now, i'm not gonna give you a count down or any bullshit like that, i'm just gonna whistle"

The group of teenagers look around at each other, Lexie was internally freaking the fuck out but refused to show it. 

Redfield walked closer up to Pope, pope sighed and slowly pulled out the key from his pocket. the actual key, he fiddled with it in his hands before looking back up to Redfield, "no" Pope said softly. 

Redfield looked away angrily, "ohh"

"this key belongs to MY family" Pope said sternly.

"i'm losing my patience with you Pope" he turned back to Pope, raising his fingers to his mouth about to whistle.

Pope slowly handed him the key, letting go, he left his hand frozen their in place, mid air. 

"did the right thing kid" Redfield said smiling, "knowing when you don't have a choice is  an underappreciated talent" he held the key up to Pope's face, taunting him, "you be safe" 

As he started to walk away, Pope's breaths got heavier and heavier, turning in to pants. 

the pogues looked at Pope, "i am so sick of this shit" Pope said, nearing a breakdown, he quickly turned around walking off. 

 - - - 

Lexie was peacefully laying on JJ's warm body as the two shared the couch on the porch, everyone stayed up talking and ended falling sleep, Lexie woke up when the boys were talking, when JJ would laugh she could feel it has her head rested on her chest. 

His arms were still tightly wrapped around her, the sound of the porch door opening and closing, 


Lexie looked up to see Sarah walking in, slightly uncomfortable, Lexie sat up, JJ following, allowing Sarah to sit down. 

JJ leant on the side, Lexie leaning in on him and he wouldn't let her sit any further away. Lexie knew is love language was touch.

"shouldn't you be on figure 8 with your little group of polo players?" John b said as he laid reclined on a single couch. "or did you break up with Topper?" 

John B pulled a face sarcastically. "we're just friends" Sarah replied, not falling into his stupid game. 

"oh he's just a friend, you have a lot of friends, Sarah Cameron" John B continued on smiling at the girl. 

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