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"Lex lets go!" Kiara said running into the house. "Lexie groaned from her seat, "get up c'mon" 

Kie grabbed onto her hand, pulling her into the car. They soon arrived at Heyward's shop, "let me know if i am hurting you" Lexie said as she placed a band aid on Heyward's forehead. 

Lexie knew first aid, she re learnt it every year, always wanted to be a paramedic, she loved helping out at the beach with kids or other surfers who had hurt themselves.

"you're doing fine" Heyward groaned, "okay, done" Lexie smiled at the man, "thankyou darlin'" 

"pop what happened?" Pope said sternly at his dad, Lexie had moved over and sat in between Jj and John B. 

"oh i should've known better, he came in just as i was about to lock up, caught me by surprise, once he had me down he put his knee on my chest and he asked about that, that , that key from that that drawing you showed me and in case you were wondering, i ain't tell him nothing" 

Heyward's looked around at the pogues who sat surrounded, each one looking at each other too. "now did you track it down?" Heyward asked Pope.

Pope pulled the key from his pocket and handed it to his dad, " i found it in Mee-maw's old apartment above the pharmacy just  like you said it was"

"shit boy, you should've gave this to me, i wouldn't have had to take a beating, What's the big deal? it ain't worth anything? why they want it so bad?" 

"i don't know, first i get this letter telling me that i need to go to Charleston and then i meet a rich lady who wants me to give her a key that i didn't even know was in my family" 

"none of it makes sense" Kie mumbled, entering their conversation. 

"well don't y'all just sit here whining about it, figure it out! " Heyward encouraged the group. 

"no, i'm just gonna give the key to that lady, it's not worth -"

"no no no, did i raise you to back down from a fight boy?" Pope shook his head to his dad, "no sir"

"well all right" Heyward nodded, "now i , i didn't think about it before, i admit that, but now -" he pointed to his wound on his head, "now? I'm interested, did they say why they wanted it?"

"something about an old cross, i think it might be some kind of lost treasure" Pope asked unconfidently. 

"you know who you should talk to? your great grand mother mee-maw" Heyward said holding out the key for Pope to take. 

- - -

"guys, the thing that Limbrey said, i don't think she meant to let it slip" Pope said chewing with his mouth open, Lexie scrunched her face at the boy. 

"she said the key would lead to the cross of Santo Domingo" 

"wait can i see that?" JJ asked reaching out to the key. "are we supposed to know what that is?" Sarah asked. 

"i'm guessing it's some sort of historical artifact of great importance." Pope shrugged. 

"well according to the innerwebs it was a gift from New Spain to the Spanish King" Kie said.

"New Spain? is there an old Spain?" JJ questioned, "Shit talk about over - gifting, look at that" Kie showed Lexie and Sarah who sat next to her before showing the boys. 

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