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The next morning Lexie woke up the faint sound of a heartbeat under her head, she lifted her head up to see a gorgeous sleeping blonde boy under her. She smiled to herself noticing that his arms were still firmly wrapped around her waist, holding their position they originally fell asleep in.

Lexie carefully removed his arms and slowly pulled herself out of bed, earning a soft groan from JJ, falling straight back asleep. She made her way outside accompanied by her guitar and phone.

She messaged her old friends, Charlotte was stocked that her and JJ become official, however both of the boys hated it, and more to the fact that John B is a major felon at the moment. She called her Aunt Jo after what felt like months, they talked for about 40 minutes.

Lexie told her from JJ, to John B's fake accusation, and even about her mother and Lana. Aunt Jo loved Lana, she even demanded that Lexie gave her number to her so she could call and thank her. of course after their long phone call, bidding thier goodbyes she quickly called Lana to let them know they were safe and to expect a every emotion woman about to call her.

After her quick catch up with the outside world she laid back into the hammock, remembering her first couple nights here when she would sneak out and play the guitar, it was also the first time JJ did something nice for her, where she gained someone of a first liking to him.

Lexie smiled at her and JJ's past, from hating each other, to bickering and flirting to now not wanting to live without him.

She picked up her guitar and strummed the cords, the soft hum letting fill her ears, soaking her soul. Her fingers strummed out the tune to "Falling like the Stars" By James Arthur,

I swear to God, when I come home
I'm gonna hold you so close
I swear to God, when I come home, I'll never let goLike a river, I flow to the ocean I know
You pull me close, guiding me homeAnd I need you to know that we're
Fallin' so fast, we're fallin' like the stars, fallin' in loveAnd I'm not scared to say those words
With you I'm safe, we're fallin' like the stars, we're fallin' in love

"Voice of a angel" Lexie quickly turned to see Sarah walking to her, Sarah nodded her head, pointing at the guitar, Lexie continued playing until the song was finished.

Sarah sighed, laying down, Lexie following her actions, the pair laid their for over a hour talking about their lives, things that made them, happy, sad, emotional, you name it.

Soon enough the two boys made their way down, they laid over the girls, talking and waiting for Pope and Kiara to show up and their late night journey.

"look who it is!" Lexie said pointing to the dock, they all quickly got up running towards it, "finally hey!" JJ shouted. "guys don't tie up!" Lexie shouted as the four ran towards them.

Kie and Pope turned around confused, "what?" Kiara asked, "we're dippin'" JJ said before jumping straight on to the boat.

"wait why?" Pope quickly asked, "what? what are you talking about?" Kie added in. John B and Sarah followed behind Lexie as she climbed in the boat.

"what happened last night?" John B asked, he was worried about the two ever since Rafe and Barry left the Chateau, "we slept on the break, what's up?" Pope answered.

"slept right yeah" JJ mumbled, earning a slap on the shoulder from Lexie.

"we gotta go" John B said walking past the two, "Rafe knows we're here, so we have to leave, like, now" Sarah said jumping in.

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