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The five pogues sat in the car, in the pack, John B has kept his seat down to hide while everyone remained upright.

Pope came running back to the car, "okay, okay, all right no" Pope said quickly.

"Pope can you act natural?" Kie asked the boy. As he scoffed back getting into the car.

"Okay okay so bad news, The ferry's are closed and there is this" Pope said, passing back a paper flyer which had John B's face with "wanted - $25000 reward" on it.

Lexie sighed "shit"

"well John B, uh - this is a good frame for you" JJ said trying to lighten the mood.

"okay so the whole island's lookin for John B right now" Pope sat pulling his hat tighter on his head.

"that's a lot of money" Kie said freaking out.

"Congratulations John B, you're now famous" Lexie said to him, passing him the flyer.

"guys, we got to get to the HMS, we need small, no running lights -" Kie started to say. Lexie sighed, "it's at the Chateau Kie"

"and i wonder if the cops got the entire place staked out, let me think" Jj implied fiddling with his hat. "oh yeah no, they defiantly have that placed locked down" he continued.

"yeah copy that" Kie said annoyed. "let me think, just give me a second" Pope said over again closing his eyes.

He quickly reopened them, pecking his head up. "JJ"

"what?" JJ said narrowing his eyes at his stoned friend

Pope turned around to face him, "does your dad still have that boat? the cigarette boat? The Phantom?" Pope said.

John B turned his look over to JJ, wide eyed. "the one he used to race" Pope said biting his lip.

"maybe" JJ said thinking, looking out the window and scanning across to John B.

"you could get right up the coast no problem" Pope said nodding and turning back around.

"It's not going to be easy" JJ said back. Lexie could tell that anything to do with his dad was risky enough, but stealing his boat would surely cause serious injuries to the boy.

"okay look, the surf is running three to four" Kie quietly said.

"Pope i don't know where the keys are!" JJ said back as Pope started the engine.

Kie was still in thought, Lexie grabbed on to John B's hand as she knew he was upset, "well find them" Pope yelled.

"I'm thinking!" JJ yelled back. "do you think it is a good idea to let Pope drive?" Lexie said to Kie

"why is nobody moving forward!" Pope yelled, Kie shared a scared look to Lexie, and turned her head back to the boy, "okay can you relax?" she said. "JJ how much weed did you give him?" Kie asked the blonde who was in deep thought.

"Guys, the car is on this poster!" John B quickly whispered, "what?" Lexie said, grabbed it out of his head and examining it.

Pope starts honking the horn, yelling out the window.

Pulling the group out of their madness, a boy starts pointing to his mother, "It's that guy, right there" he said pointing.

Lexie pulled a hat over John B's face, "JB stay the fuck down!" She yelled.

"shit!" Kie yelled.

"we got a snitch, pope turn the car on!" JJ said worrying.

"Hey!" a man said running up to the car, banging on the window at John B "i found him!" He yelled.

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