chapter one .

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READ BEFORE LOL: i made this when i was 13 so there's gonna be misspelled words and shit, i honestly enjoyed writing this and season two gave us some jiara content that made me happy (They are truly my favorite slowburn) uh don't be like "they would never do that in the show" yeah bc this is a fanfiction 😩🤞anyways love you and hope you enjoy this cute story i made and tysm for reading 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

 *jj's POV*

 its been a week since John B and Sarah Cameron's death. it still felt so unreal. Outerbanks was different now, the whole kooks vs Pogues thing was as if it was left on pause. Ward was being watched by the police department, they didn't have proof that he did the things he did, but I heard that John B said something that caught the police attention. 

       I looked over at Kie and pope that were laying on the other side of the boat. The three of us has never been so close. It felt weird though, I wasn't even sure myself if Pope and Kie were a thing or not. I never saw Kie as the type of girl who would be with someone, she didn't seem like the romantic type. But I knew pope was head over heels for her, I mean could I blame him? 

           "hey guys?" I looked up to see Kie sitting up as if she just woke up.

"yes?" I responded also now sitting up to face her. Pope was still laying down with his sunglasses over his eyes but I could tell he was listening.

      "do you really think John b is dead? like I understand that it was a bad storm but it's John B, he's strong and tough" she was figeting with her necklace. I knew she did that when she was nervous, she seemed ashamed of what she was thinking.

    I shaked  my head and gave her a smile before answering, "I bet he's somewhere in Florida owning some food truck or maybe even a surf shop" Kie looked over at me with a sweet little smile, I haven't seen her smile in a long time.

   "I bet Sarah is enjoying that life, no care in the world" pope smiled while tanning. We all looked at each other and gave slight look of faith. I wasn't sure deep down if I believed they were alive. But at a time like this I wanted to believe they were.

     Later that night I walked to my house. I actually haven't really had any problems with my dad since the day I came back from John B's death. He got all mad about me taking the boat and beat me up. But that was a week ago. I walked in and saw him sleeping on the couch. I looked at him and started walking back up into my room. man am I hungry. I looked over at the old alarm clock in the corner of my room. 2:37am. I haven't gotten much sleep the past week but right now I didn't feel tired. I wanted to do something. something I haven't done in forever. Surf.

    I had my board under one arm as I reached the beach. I took off my shoes and shirt and threw them on the sand. I slowly started surfing. It was really dark out but they're were many stars in the sky, lighting up the ocean a bit. after only about ten minutes, the waves disappeared. I groaned in laziness. I didn't feel like walking all the way back home. I sat up on my board and just admired the stars. I heard a yawn. I looked over to the direction and saw someone from the distance. I was curious.  who would be here this early in the morning?  I laughed out loud myself silently because of sounding like such a hypocrite. 

           "JJ?" it was Kiara. I could feel my face light up to know the person out there was a friend.

"Kie?" I yelled back. I heard her coming towards me and saw her figure approach me.  Her hair was really wet and she was in a dark bathing suit.

     " why are you up so late?" She asked laughing facing towards me.

"same thing you are, board." I laughed. Even through all this I didn't wanna show Kie and Pope my weak side, they've seen it before but I wanted to do it for Kie, she lost her best friend and I wanted to give her hope, so I smile on the outside and joke to cover up the pain.

    "well I'm happy to see you here, I was getting lonely" she giggled a bit . I looked from her eyes to the stars.

       "wanna get something to eat?" I laughed, knowing it was random, I didn't like using my friends for money, but I haven't ate in days and I surely couldn't afford it. Kie looked back at the beach and saw my clothes laying on the sand. 

     " Yeah, we can get something at the gas station, its probably the only shop open right now" she nodded her head towards the shore and followed the direction. I shortly after followed behind her. As we got up I grabbed my shoes and shirt.

    "did you really walk all the way from your house to the beach?" kie looked concerned. But I just laughed it off, I didn't dare touch the van. But I knew Kie was using it still, it made her feel better. ''yeah its no big deal, really wanted to surf I guess" I gave her a reassuring smile. we started walking to the van and I grabbed her surfboard along with mine and tied it to the top of the van. She seemed tired so I told her to get in the passenger seat. I didn't want her to drive while clearly tired. By the time I got in the drivers seat I looked over to kie who was passed out alseep. Her mouth was open and slightly snoring. I could feel myself smile and blush. 

awe how cute...wait what? 

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