chapter seven .

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*JJ's POV*

      As we reached a certain point in the marsh I parked the boat. I took my shirt off and jumped into the water. Not soon after Kie got in with me. She swam over to me.

     " Did you talk to Pope today?" she asked while moving some hair out of her face.

"Uhh yeah he said he was busy working for his dad, but he told me to tell you he misses you" I answered. Her face dropped a bit. "Hey jj if I tell you something could you promise me not to tell pope before hand?" I nodded my head, I already knew she was probably going to say she was not in love with him like she said last night.

    "I don't wanna lead pope on, so I'm going to break it off but I'm scared, I don't want to ruin my friendship with him or break him, because I know he's not going to take it easy" she confessed to me. I didn't wanna talk about Pope. A couple days ago I couldn't get her to talk about him at all and now that's all I ever hear from her, it's not that I was annoyed, it just hurt. 

     "Pope can handle it, don't be so hard on yourself" I Laughed splashing water in her face.

"Ooohhh JJ youre gonna get ittttt!!" She started splashing water on me and it was back to normal, no talking about pope or problems, just me and "my girl".

     It was getting dark, and we started heading back to John B's house.

"hey JJ, I know this might be a big request but, wanna have a campfire?" Kie asked while we parked. At first I didn't know what she meant by a big request but I realized we haven't done anything at John B's house since everything. 

   "yeah that's fine, I wish we didn't walk here, I would've drove you home instead of walking you home cold" I laughed while we walked to the bonfire. Kie sat down on a log and I started a fire. I sat down on the ground next to her. I was really hoping she wouldn't question why I didn't sit on the perfectly fine log across from her.

" Yeah, but you could just sleep in the van again if you want?" she suggested. 

"Only if you're in there too" I joked. but I wasn't joking, I really liked her company.

"Yeah well duh, and we never took those blankets and pillows out of the van" she laughed, she looked at the fire and sighed.

    "Tomorrow I'm telling pope" She spilled. I looked over at her, she was smiling and  I could tell she was proud of herself. 

    "that's good, I mean you said you didn't love him, which is a big deal" I replied. I grabbed two sticks and started sharpening one of them out of pure boredom.

"Yea, anyways, how was your day jj?" she asked switching the topic, which was strange because she was there with me the whole day.

   "well pretty amazing considering I hung out with the coolest girl ever" I smirked.

"Well that's pretty strange because guess what? I hung out with the coolest boy all day" she played along.

   "hmm was he cute?" I asked laughing. she rolled her eyes and messed up my hair with her hand.

    "very." She giggled. I knew she was joking but I felt butterflies inside. which was sooo strange, I've never felt butterflies before, actually, everything I've felt for kie the past three days I've never felt in my life.

    "I bet" I casually said. Kie then pulled something out of her pocket, it was a sharpie.

"Hey jj, can I draw on you?" she sat down next to me on the ground sitting criss cross applesauce  facing me. I turned my body around so I was now facing her.

   "only if it makes me look super badass" I said staring at her.

"Do you think I'm badass?" she laughed while starting to draw on my neck.

"no I think you have a nice ass" I teased. She playfully slapped me on the cheek. 

   " har har you're so funny jj" She laughed continuing my "neck tattoo".

I was giggling every now and then due to how much it tickled me. Finally she was done.

"Can I see it ?" I touched my neck making sure it was dry. Kie grabbed her phone out, and took a picture of me with flash on. She then turned her phone around to face me and show me the picture. 

   "wow kie this is amazing" she drew waves and it was a dolphin swimming in the water. I saw her face get a little red and she smiled.

   "thanks, wanna draw on me now?" She handed me the sharpie.

"uh duh, any chance I get to draw on anyone with sharpie I'll take" I grabbed the sharpie from her and took the cap off.

    "jj, don't put anything bad on it." she strictly stated. I laughed at her and started drawing, I wasn't a artist so I just simply drew a turtle with a little heart on her chest.

   "all done" I smiled feeling proud of myself. Kie took her phone out and took a picture through the front camera. 

  "Omg jj, this is so cute thanks!" she gave me a hug and I felt my face heat up, and it wasn't from the fire. 

   "I know, im basically bob ross now" I bragged. she rolled her eyes and sat back up and we talked for hours until Kie fell asleep all of a sudden. I didn't know what to do. I wasn't going to wake her up but I also didn't want to carry her all the way to her house because it would take all night. There was only one place. John B's house. I carried her in and laid her on the bed. I walked back out to put the fire out. As I walked in back inside the memories filled my head about all the best times we've spent here. I walked into the bathroom to wash my face because my skin felt a little dry and gross. as I washed my face I looked up at the mirror and saw the tattoo kie gave me. it was so sweet, I loved it so much.After that I went into the room Kie was sleeping in, I didn't feel like leaving her alone in the house so I got into bed next to her. I gave her the space she needed. I turned my head so I faced the other way and closed my eyes. But I felt arms wrap around me. Obviously it was kie. I didn't wanna do anything to hurt pope so I just tried going back to sleep but she hugged me tighter. I looked down at her arms wrapped around and I put my hand on top of hers. I felt bad but at the same time all that seemed to matter was that me and kie were cuddling? well she was sleeping but I was fine with it. it felt like just me and her in the whole world. the world seemed a lot better in those few moments.

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