chapter twenty six .

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     *JJ's POV*

       Me and Kie slowly walked out the party, we were making sure sure Pope wasn't anywhere around. Topper came up to Kie and gave her a big hug. At first I wanted to pull him off but I saw her hug him back but then Kie hugged him back and I could hear him whisper to him.

     I wasn't sure exactly what he told her but I knew it was about him not being able to tell the police, I could hear Kie say that everything will be okay. I felt so bad for my girl, she's been through way too much and this night she's cried too much for me to handle. 

      As I saw Kie get in the van I looked over to her and looked back at the party.

 "Go say bye to him, I know you want too JJ" she gave me a weak smile. I pulled a smile on my face and ran back to the party. I saw Pope drunk talking to a rock. 

     "Hey buddy" I said sitting down next to him and the rock.

"JJJJJJJJJJ" he smiled swinging his arm around me. I swung mine around him.

    "you know how much you mean to me right?" I smiled.

"bruhhhh this dawg hasn't moved in ten minutes" he announced pointing to the rock.

     I was so emotional thinking I might never see him again.

 "Pope, no matter what happens I am always here for you. Maybe not physically but in here I am" I pointed to his heart even though it was really cliche.

  He made a scrunched up face and smiled a bit.

"you better not be dying on me" he laughed. I gave a chuckle.

    I hugged him for a long time and walked away.  I didn't want to look back because I knew looking back would just make it much harder.

         I ran into the car with a smile being proud of myself for letting go. Me and Kie needed only a few things, Jasper and money. 

   We stopped at Pope's house. We stood at the door as Kie knocked on the door. She looked at me and smiled. I knew this was hard for her but she was a strong person. She wasn't even gonna say goodbye to her parents...not even her dad who meant everything to her.

   Mr. Hayward opened the door with Jasper in his hands rolling his eyes.

"Why back so early? huh? you have some explantion to do." he didn't seem like he was in any rush to return Jasper. 

 Kie gave a chuckle grabbing Jasper out of his arms.

    "Pope wants to go surfing with us if that's fine?" she asked even though Pope was still at the party all alone not aware of anything that was happening.

"Yeah that's fine I guess, anyways you better bring this little guy back sometime" petting Jasper smiling big.

"sure thing" I smiled feeling numb from the idea that i'll never see Mr. Hayward again, he was always like a old grumpy dad to me.

    I hugged him tight as if he knew I was running away.

 "BOY GET OFF ME" he said pushing me off. I just laughed and me and Kie headed to her house.

     "my parents aren't even home, i'll be really quick" she said while giving me a kiss on my cheek and running into her huge house.

      I smiled while I thought about the time we spent the night in her driveway, it felt like years ago when really it was only a week. 

    She came back out with her purse and phone. She got into the back of the van.

"why are you sitting there?" I asked confused.

    "well I think we should pack some clothes and since you and John B are sloths we have a bunch of clothes back here I can put in my bag.

      "how about you?" 

"Well I just grabbed some clothes from my closet while I was in, and I stole a lot of food, and took  like five bottles of water, but we'll get to wherever we're going before we need more water" she gave me a comforting smile that I knew too well.

     "thanks Kie, where would I be without you?" I laughed making a joke.

"Probably dead" she teased.

        We pulled up into John B's house where out escape boat was.  I helped Kie grab the bags from the back. 

   "babe, I'll check if theres any materials in the house before we leave, you know just in case." I said giving her a hug.

       "Ugh okay, I think imma put stuff and get ready okay?" she smiled giving a peck on my lips. 

I opened the door to John B's house, I thought about all the memories inside that place. I went to the bedroom and grabbed blankets and pillows. I found a bag on the ground and stuffed the blankets and pillows inside of it. Then I went into the kitchen and put all the bottles of beer and water I could find into the bag. I knew John B had dog food somewhere around here, about a month ago we dared him to eat some. I searched every closet. Eventually I found the dog food it was a big bag so I just decided to carry it instead of putting it in the bag. 

         I was ready to meet Kie at the boat when I heard a a scream for me.

"JJ!!!!!! YOU NEED TO COME OUT HERE NOW" I heard Kie scream. I dropped all my stuff and ran out to see if she was in trouble.

     "what's wrong??" I stood in front of her seeing that she was just in a trance staring at something in the distance.

       "nothing's wrong bud" 

     That voice was something i haven't heard in a long time. Something that sent chills down my back. I turned around to see what Kie was staring at which was where the voice was coming from.

    There in all the night fog was a boat, and on that boat was the one and only John B and Sarah Cameron smiling at us.

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