chapter two.

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* JJ's POV *

I ignored my thoughts and continued driving to the gas station. I could feel my eyes feeling more heavy. I parked in the gas station. I just sat there and looked ahead of me not wanting to wake kie up but right as that thought came to mind I saw kie's eyes flutter open.

   "did I fall asleep?" she chuckled rubbing her eyes like a little kid. I laughed getting out the car heading inside. Kie came in after me. I grabbed a beer and a bar of chocolate. I looked over and saw kie right behind me. "are you getting something sleepy head?" I joked. She was only wearing a bathing suit and I felt bad because I didn't have anything to give her to wear. I could tell she was cold. She grabbed a tea and some Chex mix.

   "yeah I will, hold up can you grab this, I forgot my wallet in the van''

 Without saying anything she dropped the Chex mix and tea in my arms and left.'' I  stood there. not long after she came back with her wallet in her left hand. I went up to the cashier and dropped the snacks and drinks in front of the man. He scanned them all VERY slowly. I felt myself tap my foot, which might've came off rude but that's me.

   "your total is $10.34" the man handed me the bag of food. Kie payed and we headed to the van. I got in the drivers seat and grabbed my chocolate and beer, man I haven't had chocolate in a while. "THAT TOOK FOREVERRRR" I groaned. kie laughed really loud, I loved her laugh it was so real, she was always my favorite person to put a smile on they're face.

     "it diddddd, man he probably did it on purpose too" She laughed while stuffing Chex mix in her mouth. she layed back in her seat. I started eating but this was the first time I've been alone with kie in a long time, I wanted to enjoy the moment.

   "So what's up with you and Pope?" I asked looking over at her. I've been wondering for a while now and I couldn't get an answer from either of them. She looked over at me and shrugged a bit.

     "I'm not sure, like I guess we're together, not officially but yeah" she kept eating. I looked back at my chocolate, and started staring at it. "why so dull?" I said still looking at my chocolate while taking another bite.  " not that I'm mad like, it just feels so sudden, I wasn't even sure if I liked him and boom this all happened in a week" she looked over at me and took a sip of my beer. I didn't mind she seemed stressed enough. 

" I get that, never saw you as the romantic type" I remarked.

"What does that mean?" she laughed giving me a glare.

"Like I mean you shut every guy down and you're a very independent person" I gave her a smile, I didn't want her to think it was a negative thing. "You're Kie, she don't need no man" I made a rachet voice to make the tone less serious.

"Thanks JJ, but honestly it feels nice to have someone, like I guess I'm happy" she smiles. I could tell she was unsure but I only wanted the best for her.

"Pope is a really good guy, give him a chance." I winked at her and started driving out of the gas station. I could feel myself get more tired. 

    "JJ you can stay at my place tonight, it's late and you're tired" Kie offered, she looked so tired.  I didn't wanna accept but we were so close to her house and I felt like passing out.

 " What about your parents, you know your dad thinks i'm trouble" I said laughing, he never really seemed to like me. I pulled into her driveway as quietly as I can. 

"I can bring blankets and pillows out and we can camp out here" she said pointing to the back of  the van. She smiled looking so girly. "just stay here and I'll be right back out" and just like that she left into her house. I took the keys out and climbed over the seat and got into the back. I grabbed to two pillows we had and set them behind my back, I saved the "couch" literally just a seat for kie. I took my shirt and shoes off and messed my hair up a bit.

Kie walked in though the side of the van with piles of pillows and blankets in her arms. she also changed out of her bathing suit into a big t shirt. I grabbed the blankets from her and started setting up the "beds".

"you really have ourselves a middle school sleepover" I laughed while laying down closing my eyes. Kie got on top of the couch and under the covers. I was about to fall asleep until I heard kie.

"I really hope they're wrong" she said upset. I knew exactly what she was talking about. John B. he was her best friend and Sarah who she finally bonded with again.

"me too kie, me too" I smiled at her even though I didn't think she could see me in the darkness.

"Yeah thanks JJ, love ya goodnight" she then turned her body to the side and closed her eyes.

"yea love you too kie, sweet dreams" when those words came out of my mouth I felt my face froze. I've said those words so many times in a friend way, but this time it felt like much more. I shook my head and closed my eyes. God jj what's up with you?

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