chapter five .

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*Kiara's POV*

     I woke up at around 4am. JJ was still sleeping deeply. His mouth was hanging open and man was he a LOUD snorer. I laughed but I was still really tired. I got out of the bed slowly and put my shoes on. As I was tying my shoes I heard JJ say something.

   "Kie is that you?" I looked up and realized that he was sleep talking. 

"yes jj, im just leaving" I put one foot out his window.

   "no don't go !! im going to miss youuuu" he put one arm into the air only to be swung right back down. I couldn't help but let out a loud laugh. that's adorable. I continued climbing out the window. Right before I shut his window closed I just had to mess with sleepy jj one more time.

        "hey jj do you like me more than pope?" I giggled still having my hands on his window.

"duh" he sounded like he was high. I smiled and started closing the window until I heard jj again.

    "I like you more than anyone. You literally mean everything to me. even though you think im a dumbass" I could see a slight smile spread across his face. I blushed and smiled at the sleepy boy.

"a cute dumbass" and with that I shut his window completely and jumped from his roof. 

it wasn't a high jump but it did hurt a bit. I drove to JJ's house with my skateboard which was by a tree. I grabbed it and walked out of his driveway. Once I got on the paved road I started riding my  skateboard. As I was riding I kept thinking about what JJ said. I mean everything to him? he likes me more than anyone? what is that suppose to mean?  I mean he's like my best friend he probably means it in a brotherly love.

       As I reached my house I quietly walked into my room without my parents noticing. I swung myself on my bed . I was tired but I didn't feel like sleeping. I stared at my ceiling. I'm not in love with pope. I'm not sure why I haven't told myself that before, I knew I didn't love him. I should tell him.

*JJ's POV*

   The next morning I woke up and looked over to see that Kie had already left. I got up and put on new clothes. I haven't showered in a week. And to think Kie slept next to me probably thinking I smelt like a sweaty dog. I walked out into my living room to leave the house but I was met by my dad.

   "son you tell me why it smells like perfume in her? You better not have had a girl over" he grabbed my shirt. I rolled my eyes and walked right past him. He didn't even bother to come after me. I started walking to Pope's place. As I was walking there Rafe past by on his motorcycle he didn't even notice I was there. I didn't like him. And I'm not sure if I ever will.  I heard from John B that Kie and him use to be a thing when she was a freshman. But it made sense. She might've been a Pogue by heart, but in reality she was a kook, she was going to end up with a kook.

     as I reached Pope's house I saw him loading groceries in a truck.

"Hey Popey!" I laughed, best nickname I've ever made up on the spot. He turned around and smiled at me. I looked at him and realized that he didn't know that Kie spent the night at my place, which all of a sudden got me nervous.

     "I can't do anything today, I have to work for my pops" his smile turned into a straight face.

"Oh that's fine, I'll just hang out with kie" I started to turn around. "see ya" as I waved from behind.

    " hey wait," I turned back around to face pope.

"could you tell her that I miss her?" I saw the sadness in his eyes. I forgot about they're fight and that they were most likely weren't talking to each other.

    "Umm yeah, of course" I replied giving him a helpful smile. I then turned around and started running. I really wanted to see Kie. man did I miss that short little turtle saving dumbass. 

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