chapter seventeen .

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*JJ's POV *

I woke up on the boat seeing Kie sitting on the edge. The sky was a real nice pretty blue, there was very few clouds in the sky. I got up and sat down next to her. I looked over at her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

   "good morning beautiful " I smiled putting my arm around her. She leaned her head on my shoulder, her hair smelled like coconuts, I didn't mind it was in my face.

"Good morning, so what are we doing today?" she asked while looking at the ocean. I had my eyes on her still, I swear every time she's looking at a view or something im just looking at her, the best view.

  "Well I was thinking we tell Pope, I know it might be a LITTLE scary but it'll be worth it, he'll be happy for us" I replied not actually wanting to get up and drive the boat back.

     "Yeah you're right, and we can't just hide it from him" She added, she got up and looked down at me. I raised my eyebrows trying to read her.

   "Wanna go to the dog shelter?" she giggled. I couldn't believe it, I thought she was joking. I picked her up like a teddy bear and gave her a big hug.

    "I hope you know we're getting married" I winked at her, her face got red but she tried hiding it by rolling her eyes, she put her arms around my neck and gave me a peck.

    "Kiara Maybank? hmm that sounds good to me" she scrunched her nose up and I felt butterflies in my stomach she was the cutest thing ever.

   After returning to John B's I grabbed Kie's hand and we started walking down to Pope's house.

     "I really hope he's not going to be mad" Kie said holding my hand pretty tight. It was so strange because last night I was the one that was scared.

 "He won't Kie, You know he told me some pretty smart shit the other day" I said trying to calm her down.

   "What?" she asked looking up at me. 

"He told me that my love for you was like a riptide, and then explained to me what one was even though I live here" I said pointing to the ocean.

    "awe that's sweet, so he knew you liked me?" she asked laughing.

"yeah, I told him the night he ran off on us...talking about that night, what did you do to him? like he seemed so chill with me?" I asked just now wondering why he was so fine and not hurt when I was talking about much I loved the girl that just broke up with him.

   "Oh we just talked you know? that and I said that I really wanted to be with someone that had the same dreams as me" she gave me a smile. 

 "Like getting a dog today" I teased rubbing her hair.  I was so excited to get a dog, I always wanted one, I use to have one when I was a kid, a golden retriever that me and John B found at figure eight that someone just abandon. Man I was so happy.

    We got to Pope's house and decide to walk in without even knocking the door. Before we went inside Kie let go of my hand which made me sad for a bit but she knew what she was doing.

    "KIEEEE!!"  Pope gave her a hug then turned to me giving me a fist bump.

"what happened with you yesterday? you didn't even say hi to me" he was referencing the incident of when I saw Rafe and Kie kiss.

   "Oh nothing, er I had to get somewhere" I lied, I didn't want Pope to know what happened with Kie and Rafe, he would worry about her and I knew she'd most likely wanna forget about that too.

   "JJ being busy? strangeeeeee" he joked walking us outside.

"I can't be with you guys again today though, after that big storm last week all the kooks have been so..." he tried thinking of a word.

   "kooky?" Kie laughed, Pope nodded along.

"Well congratulations on the scholarship man" I hugged him feeling bad about kie, he pulled away looking at me weird.

   "yeah Pope you deserve it" Kie smiled. He then looked at the two of us wondering why we were being so sweet.

   "What happened to you two? what happened to I'M nOt SuRe How YOuR dUmBaSs Got IT" he laughed, me and Kie looked at each other before fake laughing.

  " Okay seriously though something happened-" he then stopped talking when he saw my face. I gave him a smile before looking at Kie to hint at him. She nodded her head at Pope also giving in to the clue, I could tell she was really scared of what his reaction might've been.

  "NO WAY" he screamed smiling.

  "OH YES WAY" I laughed knowing he wasn't disappointed or going to disown me as a friend.

"I know right? who would've thought?" she laughed before we all pulled each other in a hug. It felt so weird because this was the first time we all hugged just as three. I didn't think either Pope or Kie noticed that our Pogue circle was missing John B, but I knew we were all happy in the moment and I was happy to know that it was just me, my best friend, and love in my life. The only people I needed. And soon a furry little guy walking around.

riptide // a jiara love storyWhere stories live. Discover now