chapter eleven .

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*JJ's POV*

I woke up eventually but it was still dark out. I was so sad and felt so bad for pope. I stood up and wiped the grass off me. I walked over to the boat. I didn't know what I was doing but I needed to be with myself. Well I needed to be with kie, but that wasn't the best option right at the moment. 

    I started it up and started driving through the marsh. I started heading to the ocean and parked the boat and laid down on one of the seats while looking up at the stars till I heard a voice.

   "jj?" I looked down and saw Pope swimming over on his surfboard. I didn't know what to do.

"Look man I'm sorry about everything, what I did was wrong and-" but he cut me off by hoping on the boat.

   "She broke it off" he looked down at the ground before taking a seat. I felt so bad for him, I couldn't even imagine how he feels.

"pope, I'm so sorry" I sat down next to him and put my arm around him.

   "it's fine, she says she's never felt that way for anyone, plus I can tell you really like her jj" he looked over to me and smiled. I didn't wanna say anything about my feeling for kie, I felt like it was such a bad time to talk about it. I just gave him a straight face and looked back to the ground.

"no seriously jj, you don't have to lie to me, I'm not even mad, I talked to Kie about everything and she was right" he sighed, "we're just so different, and if I can't trust her what's the point, AND she doesn't even like me back, as long as we're still friends I'm happy" he sat up straight so I let my arm around him go.

   "fine pope, but look Kiara can't know, it's strange you know" I started using my hands while I was talking.

   " like was so sudden, like I didn't see it coming, and boom it happened and it feels like.. like..." I couldn't find the perfect word for describing the feeling.

   "sounds like a riptide to me" Pope laughed a bit. I was confused.

"Like the song?" I asked. "No, like an actual riptide, they're unpredictable and extremely your feelings for kie" he gave me a smile while explaining.

"yeah, look I'm not going to do anything, no Pogue on Pogue macking, and I can't do that to you" and I wasn't lying, I would have to fake it till I make it.

   For a while we were talking about other stuff and just laughing and having a good time. Until we fell into a deep silence, it wasn't awkward or anything. Then Pope turned to me.

  "JJ?" he asked. I looked over to face him and raised my eyebrows.

"what?" I replied hoping it wasn't going to be about kie. He was the only person on the earth that knew about my feelings for Kie.

"do you love Kie?" he asked, I didn't know how to respond, I knew I was, but should I mention to Pope? I didn't wanna be there, so I just stayed quiet. Pope took the hint and didn't say anything for a bit.

   "JJ, if you love her, that's a big deal, you should tell her" we we're looking at the stars and it was around 3am.

"I want to, I really do, you don't know how many times I've looked at her and just wanna tell her how much she means to me but I can't and it sucks ass" I stood up and started messing my hair up.

  " And she's going through such a hard time so if I wanted to there's no good time to do so" I was so stressed just thinking about the fact that I couldn't be with her and that the only thing I want and need, is something I can't have.

*Kie's POV*

    Last night was so rough. I couldn't explain it but I just wanted to pull all my hair out. I wanted to tell Pope the right way. I wasn't going to blame it on JJ because he was defending me. He was like a protective older brother. Except I didn't see him as a brother, I saw John B as a brother. I wanted to sneak out and see Sarah, except I couldn't. My two people, gone. 

       "KIARA THERES SOMEONE HERE FOR YOU!!" my dad yelled . I was helping my parents out in the kitchen as the costumers kept rolling in. I was expecting for Pope or JJ to show up at any moment. I walked to where my dad was, and walked in to see him laughing along with Rafe. I rolled my eyes and was about to go back to the kitchen.

    Rafe looked over at me and I was caught in a trance. Wow his eyes are really...ew no kie shut up.

   "hey beautiful, you dropped this while you were riding my bike yesterday" he handed me my sharpie. I grabbed it from him.

  "This was a waste of gas money, why the fuck would I want my sharpie back?" I snapped. My dad looked over at me and gave me a disapproving look.

   "kie, watch your language, Rafe was just being a nice guy, unlike your other guy friends, they probably would've stole it" he laughed cracking a joke that I didn't find funny at the slightest.

   "so Kie, you busy today?" rafe asked not leaving his eyes off me.

"Actually yes, I'm helping my parents ou-" and my dad interrupted me.

   "come on kie, just one day doesn't make a difference " he smiled while pushing me out towards Rafe. I was much shorter than him, I looked up and saw him looking right back down at me smiling. He didn't look like Rafe. His hair wasn't slick back like it was usually, he still had his common rich boy outfits though.

  "don't worry sir, we won't do much, just hang out" he was talking to my dad but still looking down at me. Oh yea how fun does that sound? hanging out with a murderer. 

riptide // a jiara love storyWhere stories live. Discover now