𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 <𝟑

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Chapter One
The Prologue

Riley's life has always been difficult her mom left when she was younger and her dad spent most of his time obsessing over The Royal Merchant. John B and Riley were really close as kids they used to spend most of there time with each other until there dad disappeared at sea. Riley loved her dad but he never showed her any affection she used to see other kids with there dads and he was never like that with her but he was completely different with John B, he would spend hours and hours showing him the map of The Royal Merchant and Riley had absolutely no interest in finding the gold. Big John used to get so frustrated with his daughter for not caring about the gold but she was perfectly happy living on the cut, she had a great group of friends, she spent most of her days surfing and she had no interest in living like a kook.

The day the two teens where told that there dad was missing at sea John B broke down while Riley stood in shock. Ever since that day John B hasn't been the same and there relationship fell to pieces. Riley wasn't glad that her dad was gone but she was relieved in some ways, she no longer had to walk on eggshells around the house just to make sure she wouldn't upset him and she could do whatever she wanted without having to make sure it was okay with him. John B couldn't wrap his head around how Riley was handling the situation while he wallowed in self pity she carried on as if everything was normal, she went to work, she went out surfing, drinking and she even looked as if she was thriving without him here and John B was the complete opposite he had let himself go, he wasn't eating properly and he spent most of his time obsessing over finding there dad.

Riley didn't want to go down that hole that John B had crawled down she wasn't an optimistic person she always knew the difference between reality and fiction and to her The Royal Merchant was fiction and so was thinking her dad was still alive, he was dead and the sooner John B realized that the better.
Riley was born right after John B and he treated her as if she was a child the same way Big John did when he was alive and she hated it that's why the two teens constantly fight and it doesn't help that they both have the same group of friends.

JJ, Pope and Riley have been friends for as long as she can remember at first they didn't want a girl in there friend group but that all changed one night when Riley was crying in her room over her dad and JJ knocked on her door. Nobody had ever seen her cry before she had always hid her emotions from her dad and John B because all the two of them cared about was the gold they didn't even notice if she wasn't in the room they only cared about each other.
JJ understood her as much as he loved John B he understood where she was coming from and for the rest of the night he told her things he'd never told anyone before about his dad and his family so she confided in him too and ever since that night they've been inseparable.

Kiara and Riley's friendship grew over time she had no problem with kook's it wasn't there fault they were born with money but she didn't like the way some of them acted as if they were better then the people from the cut. Kiara joined there friend group a couple of years ago and she was welcomed with open arms in some ways Kiara is more of a pogue then she is kook and she's probably one of the best surfers Riley's ever seen. She even helped Riley get a job in The County Club on figure eight, none of the pogues were happy about it but Riley needed the money and she had no problem serving drinks and food to a bunch of kooks as long as she got paid properly for it.

While working at the club Riley met this girl she was about the same age as her with darkish hair she looked kind of familiar but she just couldn't place her. Days turned into weeks until she finally realized who she was and she admired the girl for her determination but she couldn't believe she didn't see the resemblance sooner she was one of the Cameron's for god sake. Iris Cameron was the second youngest in the family born a year after Sarah and she was the black sheep, she hated her dad, Rafe and Rose the only reason she stays living in that house is because of Sarah and Whezzie. Ward made it clear how little he thinks of her and Rose always takes his side, Rafe and Iris never had a bond with each other from the very beginning they both hated one another but with Sarah and Whezzie it was different... Sarah always looked out for Iris and Iris always looked out for Whezzie and Sarah. Iris wanted nothing got to do with Wards money so she got a job at the club so she could financially support herself and Riley admired her for that in some ways the two girls where more alike then they cared to admit.

Life was going good for Riley until on night she stumbled across Rafe Cameron while walking home from work, she never wanted to be friends with him because of how rude he was to the rest of the pogues but Rafe was never that way towards Riley and that made her want to know more about him but as time went on she came to realize that curiosity always kills the cat and in this case she's the cat.


*Authors Note*

Hey everyone I'm finally publishing a new book and I'm so excited for you to read it!!!
I've so much planned for this fanfic you've no idea :)
I hope everyone is having a great day or night and I hope you enjoy reading this book <33

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