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Chapter Ten

Iris woke up to unfamiliar surroundings before she realized she had spent the night at Riley's house. Iris quietly searched for her phone while Riley lay beside her sound asleep. Once she managed to find her it she soon realized they where both running late for work.

"Riley wake up right now" she screeched as Riley huffed.

"Iris please shut up screaming in my ear" she mumbled while Iris began to move in the bed.

"We're going to be late for work... get the fuck up" she spoke before pushing Riley onto the floor.

"You're such a bitch... I actually can't believe you violated my privacy like that" she whined while laying on the ground.

"I'm not messing I got a verbal warning last week because I've been late so many times and I really can't afford to lose this job Ry" she explained as Riley finally got up of the floor and began to get ready.

"Look if you go now you'll make it there in time and just tell Mark that I'll be in late" she voiced as Iris nodded along.

"Okay... okay I'm gonna run but I'll see you soon" she slightly smiled as she ran out the door.

Riley knew how much Iris depended on this job because without it she'd have no excuse not to be at home but Riley wasn't in any rush to make it in on time because Mark her boss owes her for the extra shifts she done when he had no one else to cover them.

"Are you not going to work" Pope asked as Riley made her way to the kitchen to pour herself a cup of coffee.

"Yeah but not just yet... I'll probably leave in the next half an hour" she answered.

"Me and JJ are doing a few deliveries for my dad later on if you want to join us... it feels like forever since we spent some time together" he offered as she smiled brightly up at him.

"Yeah that sounds good... I'll go into work for an hour or so and I'll tell my boss I'm not feeling to good and I'll meet you at your dads shop"

Once Riley arrived at work she knew she'd definitely be leaving early because to her surprise Rafe was sitting at the bar talking to Iris.

"Well this is a shock" Riley called as she walked over.

"I was just filling my little sister in on what happened last night seen as you didn't think it was important enough to tell her" he smiled wickedly up at her.

"I didn't tell her because like you said it wasn't important... I also didn't think you'd want people to know but seen as I was wrong about that let me just do something real quick" she spoke as she looked around the room in search of a certain someone and to her excitement her eyes fell on Topper sitting at a table with a group of kooks.

Riley didn't know exactly what she was planning to do but what she did know was that she wanted to embarrass him just like he had done to her and she was going to make sure she did exactly that.

"Hey Top... I actually wanted to talk to you real quick" Riley spoke as a girl turned in her direction.

"Hey I don't mean to interfere of your conversation but I just wanted to ask Topper if he knew if Rafe was single" the girl questioned awkwardly.

"Em I'm pretty sure he is Sophia..." he answered before Riley cut him off.

"Actually It's kind of complicated Sophia because he's been constantly all over me for weeks now but he doesn't want people to know he's in love with a pogue but I guess it's your lucky day because I've recently heard that he has a small... you know what I mean" Riley spoke loudly as Topper looked at her in shock.

Before she knew it Rafe had grabbed onto her arm with such force it began to burn as he began to drag her out the back door of the club.

"It's a lucky escape Sophia... trust me" she shouted over at the girl while being pulled off in the opposite direction.

"ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE" he screamed once they where out of sight.

"Oh my bad I thought you wanted to go around telling people" she smiled knowing his plan had backfired.

"You know damn well I didn't want people knowing"

"We'll then maybe you should have thought about that before trying to come between me and Iris" she spoke as he began to pace back and forth.

"You have no idea what you just done" he voiced as she looked up at him.

"You know all I wanted to do yesterday was have a nice time with you... I didn't go to you're house with the intention of kissing you... I just wanted to get to know you but I honestly don't know what I was expecting"

"You wanted to get to know me... bullshit you came over thinking that I'd sleep with some pogue" he huffed.

"I don't want to have sex with you nor do I want a relationship with you... I wanted you to know that you had someone to talk to because to my knowledge you have a terrible relationship with everyone in your life... so I just wanted to make sure you weren't alone... how fucking stupid does that make me" she laughed at herself while he stared down at her in thought.

"What did you say to Sophia" he asked sternly.

"I told her that you have a small... you know" she laughed nervously as he grabbed her up by her forearm's.

"I swear to god if you laugh once more..."

"You'll do what Rafe... hit me" she spoke uneasily.

"Let her go" Iris spoke up from behind Riley.

"Get the fuck out of here Iris" he hissed.

"Why so you can hit her... are you seriously that sick and twisted that you'd actually think about hurting her" she spoke loudly as people began to walk out of the club to see what all the commotion was about.

"Fuck this shit I'm going home but this is far from over Riley" he snapped as he stormed out of view.

Riley turned around to face Iris as the groups of people began making there way back inside of the restaurant.

"Thank you for that" Riley slightly smiled as Iris looked away from her.

"You could have told me about what happened last night" she whispered.

"I was embarrassed about how he spoke to me... it wasn't that I wanted to keep it a secret from you it was more of a pride thing.. he made me feel like shit and when I got back to château everyone was having so much fun, I just didn't want to ruin the mood" she answered honestly while Iris picked at her nails.

"My brother always had anger issues for as long as I can remember but I've never seen him react that way before even with me... he's never gone as far as too hit a girl before and if I hadn't come out I'm certain he would have hit you" she explained.

"I wanted to get under his skin... I guess it worked but I wouldn't have done any of that if he hadn't have told you" she mumbled as Iris looked up at her.

"I have no problem with what happened between the two of you and I do wish you told me yourself but I do understand why you didn't want to and frankly what you do in your personal life is your own business but just be careful around Rafe especially after what happened just now" she spoke honestly as Riley nodded her head in agreement.

"Can I get a hug... I'm feeling quite emotional at the moment" she laughed slightly as Iris pulled her into a hug.

"You deserve way way better then my brother" she whispered softly in her ear as Riley held onto her tightly.


*Authors note*

Hey everyone I hope you're having a good day/ night <33
I really hope you enjoyed this chapter because it took me so long to write :))
Rafe needs to leave my girl alone!!!!
Iris is always there for Riley and it's honestly the cutest thing ever!!!!
Next chapter will be out as soon as possible and it'll be eventful🫣🫣🫣

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐦 ; 𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara