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Chapter Twenty
Secrets And Lies

With a letter in one hand Riley began to feel dizzy, everything she was told, everything she believed was true was all one big lie. Rafe waited in the car outside the château while Riley ran in to pick up a few things for John B but as she was searching in her dads office she stumbled across a letter with her name on it as well as her biological parents. Not only did she just find out she was adopted by a piece of paper, Big John also told her she was ten months younger then John B but that too was also a lie. On her birth certificate it showed that Riley was seventeen years old the exact same age as her brother, sure it was only one year in the difference but Riley felt betrayed, she felt as though he took a year of her life away from her in some way.

Nothing made sense as she sat in a daze thinking over everything that had happened in her life before this moment, she never felt included, she never felt seen or heard and Big John would always make it his business to leave her out of things like trying to find the gold and now the more she thought about it he probably thought he couldn't fully trust her because she wasn't actually his daughter. He lied to her constantly everytime he wished her a happy birthday he knew in his heart that what he was doing was wrong but the more he lied the more he knew he could never tell her the truth.

John B wasn't her biological brother and she feared that might change their whole relationship. John B was her brother in every single other way that mattered they may have had their arguments and their fights but who hasn't, he was constantly there for her when she needed him but that didn't help her from fearing the worst. Nothing would ever be the same for them again she knew that but she wasn't ready to face it just yet.

"Riley what's been taking you so long... I thought you were just getting him some clothes" Rafe called as he walked through the château for the first time.

"Em I just got a little overwhelmed with everything that has happened I just needed to sit down for a minute" she lied as he sat down beside her.

"Why didn't you call me... what's that in your hand" he voiced skeptically.

"Nothing just some letter my dad wrote ages ago" she whispered lightly.

"You do know you can tell me anything" he mumbled into her ear.

"I know and I will but right now I just want some peace for just a little while" she answered honestly while he shook his head and placed his hand in hers.

"Well you can have all the peace you want as long as I stay with you... i don't like the thought of you going through this on your own" he spoke softly as she looked up into his eyes.

"I'm really grateful to have you with me" she smiled slightly while he put his two hands on each side of her face.

"I'm the one who should be grateful" he grinned as he pulled her into a small yet passionate kiss.

Everything clouded her mind as she backed away from Rafe. Usually he is the one person who can take her mind off any situation but right now all she wanted to do was be on her own.

"I know your only trying to help me but i think i just need to be left alone for a little while" she whispered sadly as he looked down at her.

"If thats really what you need then i'll drop the clothes into the hospital and i'll stay there until they release him and i'll keep you updated until you've cleared your head" he explained.

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐦 ; 𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬Where stories live. Discover now