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Chapter Six
The Introduction

Iris spent the whole morning getting sick in Riley's toilet, the night before was definitely good but it really wasn't worth the headache they both had right now. John B and the rest of the pogues were sitting in the living room while Riley and Iris tried to pull themselves together.

"I'm so sorry for ruining everyone's morning but I'm really not feeling too good" Iris mumbled as she came face to face with the pogues.

"I'm also not feeling great" Riley spoke up from behind her.

"You called me at 3 o'clock in the morning to come and collect you... I know I offered but come on Riley that's way too late" John B finally voiced as Riley rolled her eyes.

"John B I swear to god if you're going to physically attack me with another lecture I'm leaving because I can't listen to you right now.... If you didn't want to drop us home you shouldn't have bothered offering" Riley huffed as Iris began to shift uncomfortably beside her.

"What Riley means to say is thank you very much for collecting us... she understands it was late and it won't happen again... right Riley" Iris spoke as Riley gave her an odd look.

"Em yeah exactly what she said" she mumbled as Iris smiled at her.

"Why does a kook willingly hang around with a pogue anyway" John B questioned as he looked in the direction of Iris.

"If I was you I'd ask Kiara that question... she'd be able to answer it" Riley snapped as John B sent her a glare.

"She is right John B... Iris doesn't owe anyone an explanation" Kiara spoke up.

"Look I'm sorry if I caused any unnecessary trouble but Riley is probably one of my only real friends and I honestly don't care if you like me or not... I'm not here to explain myself to you or to anyone else for that matter" Iris blurted as Riley looked over at her with a shocked expression.

"I think I'm going to go... Riley I'll talk to you later" Iris finalized as she headed for the door.

"You know I finally thought last night when you called me that we were on the right track but you don't change... you constantly have to interfere in my life... Iris is my friend and I don't care if you don't like kooks I also don't care if you don't like her because I never asked for you're opinion... I never interfere in you're life, whatever you want to do is you're business. I just don't understand how that's so hard for you to comprehend" Riley snapped as JJ stood up from the couch.

"Riley that's not fair" JJ spoke as he made his way over to John B.

"I also never asked for your opinion either... I'm so sick of everyone of you... Kiara is a kook in case you've all forgotten that... she may spend most of her time on our side of the island but she'll always be a kook. Everyone of you think you've had it hard and yes all of you have had a hard time... some more then others but Iris has nobody else to turn to except for me... she came here last night to get away from her family and you may as well of kicked her out just because you don't like kooks... just because she's a kook doesn't mean her life has been any easier then yours because it hasn't" Riley shared as she left the château in search of Iris.

Riley knew how the pogues felt about kooks and there was nothing she could do to change that but she always felt the need to stick up for Iris. The way she spoke about Kiara was out of line though and she knew that she owed her an apology the next time she saw her and Pope didn't actually do anything wrong but John B and JJ were out of line.

"Iris wait up... please Iris hang on" she called out as she tried to catch up to her.

"Riley it's okay... I didn't expect them to like me, not many people do but I just need a little bit of space" she spoke lowly as Riley shook her head.

"They don't even know you and it's there loss if they can't see how great you are... you're my best friend and I don't care how they feel about you because I love you and that's all that matters" she spoke honestly as Iris leaned into a hug.

"I love you too and I'm so grateful that I have you in my life" she replied as Riley squeezed her.

"You're never getting rid of me... ever" she laughed as Iris pulled away.

"But honestly would you mind if I wanted a little bit of space just to clear my head" she asked as Riley nodded her head in agreement.

"If that's what you need then of course I wouldn't mind... just know that I'm here if you need me" she answered as Iris smiled and began to walk off in the opposite direction.

Riley also decided to clear her head for a while so she walked back to the château and grabbed her bike.

"Hey Ry... look I'm sorry for the way we all ganged up on you" Kiara spoke softly as she rounded the corner.

"I'm the one who should be apologizing to you... I'm really sorry for saying you'd always be a kook because that couldn't be further from the truth" Riley uttered as Kiara put a hand on her shoulder.

"It's all forgotten about honestly... how is Iris doing" she asked as Riley shifted on her feet.

"I honestly don't know but she said she wanted some space so that's what I'm doing... giving her some space" she replied.

"She's lucky to have you as a friend... I know we're all lucky to have you" she voiced as Riley sighed.

"Try saying that to John B" she huffed as Kiara giggled.

"He cares about you in a weird overprotective way... and yes sometimes his actions are questionable but he's really trying" Kiara explained as Riley shook her head.

"I couldn't believe what I was hearing when he rang my phone last night and you don't understand how happy I was to hear him speak to me like he used to... I'm happy to put our endless arguments to rest but I can't do that if he won't see me as an equal" she spoke honestly as Kiara looked at her.

"Okay then let me talk to him and when you come back later you can both sit down and have a proper conversation" she stated as Riley nodded her head.

"Yeah that sounds good... thank you Kie and again I'm so sorry for what I said" she spoke as she apologized for the second time.

"There's no need to apologize Ry... I'll see you later" she smiled as she walked back towards the château.

Riley couldn't be more grateful for her friendship with the pouges they've been there for her when she had no one else to turn to. Kiara was like her older sister and after the conversation they just had she felt relived that she didn't ruin there friendship over something stupid.


*Authors note*

Hey everyone I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!
John B needs to give my girl Iris a chance because I'm feeling really bad for her atm :(
Riley and Iris's friendship actually makes me so happy!!!!
Kiara and Riley finally!!!! so cute <33

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