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Chapter Twenty Two
The Runway

From the moment her eyes opened she sensed something was wrong. Rafe still hadn't called or texted her to let her know he was okay, on the phone with Iris last night she had told her that he was on his way to the hospital but he failed to show up. Worry buried itself deep in her chest as she picked up her phone and dialed the only number she knew all by heart.

"Riley I was just about to call you... how are you feeling" JJ spoke on the other end of the line.

"Where is John B" she asked bluntly.

"On a boat with Ward Cameron somewhere... why what's up" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

"Have you spoken to him at all since yesterday" she asked trying to figure out weather he knew or not.

"No he's been kind off distant with us... what's going on Ry" he exhaled as she began to get dressed.

"Is there any chance you can come pick me up from the hospital please" she mumbled softly down the line.

"Of course I'll be there in fifteen minutes" he replied as she hung up the phone.

Riley never liked keeping thing's from JJ, ever since they were kids secrets was never something they could keep from one another. Honesty was the only constant in their friendship, they could have argument after argument but as long as they remained honest with each other they'd overcome anything. Telling the truth was never something Riley found difficult but for some reason this whole situation with John B and Big John made it very difficult for her to even admit the truth to herself let alone other people. The more she thought about telling JJ the more anxious she got and before she knew it he was already knocking on her hospital door.

"You ready to go" he spoke up as he opened the door slowly.

Riley couldn't hold back as she ran towards him and engulfed him in a hug as she lay her head on his chest.

"If I tell you something do you promise me it won't change our friendship" she asked sincerely as he looked down at her.

"Nothing you say to me will ever change our friendship" he muttered as he held her close.

"Big John left my birth certificate in his room and I only happened to find it while I was rummaging around trying to find some of John B's stuff... I was meant to bring him some clothes while he was at the hospital but Rafe was the one who returned with them not me... well I also found my adoption certificate which confirmed everything I didn't want to know. Big John adopted me as a child for reasons I don't know and I'll probably never know, me and John B aren't blood relations and my whole life was one big lie... I couldn't handle knowing what I knew so I done the one thing I thought would stop me from remembering but that lead me here in the hospital after nearly killing myself. I told John B everything yesterday but I done it in completely the wrong way and I was insensitive towards his feelings but I was angry and he was the only one there that I could take my anger out at and now I feel terrible" she exhaled loudly as she cried silently into his chest.

"I am so so sorry Riley... I've no idea what to say" he began to answer as she cut him off.

"I don't need you to say anything I just needed to tell you the truth... I've never lied to you before and I'm definitely not going to start today" she sniffled.

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐦 ; 𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬Where stories live. Discover now