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Chapter Fourteen

Once Riley turned around the corner of the movie screen she found everyone she was looking for including Iris. JJ was getting held back by Kelce while Topper was punching him repeatedly, Pope began to jump in trying to help JJ but that only ended up with him face down on the floor, Kiara was shouting for them to stop while Iris stood there in shook at the scene that was unfolding in front of her. Riley could feel Rafe grab onto her right before she was about to run straight into the fight.

"Let go of me Rafe... this is the second time you've done this in two days" she snapped as he held onto her more tightly.

"I'm trying to help you... I know it wasn't your idea to ruin Topper's boat but someone has to pay" he replied as Pope ran at Topper while JJ and Kelce continued to throw punches at one another.

"Why is it that you can never see when your in the wrong... you started all of this it's all your own fault you have absolutely no one else to blame but yourself" she explained as Rafe let his grip loosen slightly before Iris snuck up behind him and jumped up onto his back.

"Go Riley... help JJ" Iris shouted as Ry looked down at JJ to see him lying on the ground while Kelce continued to kick him in the stomach.

Riley knew she didn't physically have the strength to overpower Kelce on her own but out of the corner of her eye she saw something metal lying on the grass. Once she picked it up from the ground she knew it was heavy enough to make him back off.

"Is this all you guys do for fun kick someone when there down" was the last thing Riley said before she smacked the metal bar down on Kelce's leg with force.

"What the fuck" he screamed in pain as he fell to the floor clutching at his leg.

"Oh I'm sorry does it hurt let me just fix that" she sniggered as she smacked him again in the exact same place.

"You're a complete psychopath... fucking psycho" he shouted out in pain as Riley held out her hand and began to help JJ up of the ground.

"You're seriously my favorite person" JJ whispered in her ear as she looked up into his face.

"And you're mine" she smiled as she looked around to see Rafe and Iris fighting, Topper punching Pope into the face and Kiara grabbing something out of JJ's bag.

"You go and help Kie... I'm okay" JJ reassured her as Riley nodded slightly and turned quickly making her way over to Kie.

"What are you doing" Riley asked as Kiara pulled out a lighter.

"Just trust me... hold this" she answered shortly before handing her JJ's bag and before she knew it the whole movie screen lit up with fire.

Riley looked over at Rafe who was staring back at her in disbelief as Topper helped Kelce up from the ground. Iris made her way over to JJ and Pope as Kiara grabbed onto Riley's hand and began to drag her over to the rest of the pogues.

"Let's get out of here" Kiara spoke while all of them began to flee the scene.

Riley didn't know what exactly it was that made her want to hang back for a second but something was telling her she should.

"Riley I need to speak to you... now" Rafe demand as he ran up beside her.

"Don't talk to her like that" Iris snapped as she came face to face with her brother for the second time tonight.

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐦 ; 𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬Where stories live. Discover now