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Chapter Thirteen
The Movies

Riley knew that Topper deserved this for standing by earlier today and letting Rafe beat the shit out of Pope, she may have tried to persuade JJ and Pope out of the idea but once she realized they were hell bent on sinking Toppers boat for what he had done today at the golf course she just sat back and watched as the two boys ruined one of the most expensive boats in figure eight.

"We can't tell anyone about this" Pope spoke worriedly as JJ pulled him up out of the water.

"I'm so proud of you man" JJ smiled as they all watched while the boat sank further and further down into the water.

"No I'm serious none of us can tell anybody not Kie or John B... we can't tell anyone" Pope voiced.

"I promise I won't tell anyone... nobody else has to know" Riley mumbled as the two boys looked down at her.

"Our lips are sealed Pope now give me that" JJ replied before grabbing Topper's boat keys from Pope's hand and throwing them into the water.

After the damage was done all of them went there separate ways, Riley made her way back to the château, JJ walked all the way home to his house and Pope was relieved to be safe in his own bed after the traumatic day he had.

Riley woke up the next morning to her phone buzzing on her bedside table, she rolled over and yawned before picking up the phone.

"Hey I know it's impossible to get sick of me but please I just want one day we're I can sleep in peace" she moaned into the phone.

"Riley they know" was all Pope said to get Ry's attention.

"What do you mean they know" she asked while she thought about all the terrible ways that this conversation could end up.

"Rafe and Topper sat outside of my dads shop in there car for ages and they mad dogged me... Ry they know what we did" he muttered.

"Okay listen to me that boat meant everything to Top so he's going to be pissed but I'm sure everything will be fine don't worry... where are you know" she asked as she began to get dressed.

"I'm with JJ... Kiara wants all of us to go to the OBX summer movie series at the beach if you want to meet us there" he answered as Riley agreed and quickly got ready to leave. Riley texted Iris to meet them down at the beach as well before running out the door and making her way down to the rest of her friends.

Once Riley arrived she spotted Kie up beside the bar ordering some drinks and out of the corner of her eye she watched as Rafe made his way up to her.

"Hey Kie... what's up how are you" he asked with a sadistic smile covering his face.

"I'm fine" she answered shortly before Riley walked up behind her.

"Did you order me a Pepsi too I'm basically after running all the way over here" Riley slightly laughed as Kiara looked over at the waiter.

"I'm sorry would I be able to get another Pepsi with that order please... thank you" she voiced as she smiled down at Ry.

"Okay anyway tell you're boy we know what he did" Rafe interrupted as Kie turned around to face him.

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐦 ; 𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬Where stories live. Discover now