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Chapter Three
Making Amends

Riley woke up the next morning to the sound of Sheriff Peterkin knocking on the door of the château. John B was asleep in his room when Riley answered the door. Peterkin was probably the only person Riley liked to speak to about her dad, when Big John died Peterkin went out of her way to make sure Riley knew that she could confide in her.

"Morning Peterkin... em my brothers asleep I
was just getting ready for work is there anything I can help you with" Riley asked as Sheriff Peterkin stepped inside.

"Nothing that should concern you just yet Riley... you can head off to work I just want to speak with John B if that's possible" Peterkin asked as Riley nodded and made her way down to John B's room.

"Wake up the Sheriff is here to see you" she shouted as she banged on his bedroom door loudly.

Riley was going to be late for work if she didn't get a move on so she quickly hopped into the shower and got herself dressed. Peterkin and John B were sitting in silence when she entered the room.

"I would offer you a cup of tea or coffee but I have to run or I'll be late" she spoke directly to Peterkin as she picked her bag up off the floor.

"It's fine Riley you get going... I'll see you around some time" she answered as Riley turned around to face John B.

"I'll talk to you later okay" she spoke softly as he shrugged her off and began to make small talk with Sheriff Peterkin.

Riley couldn't understand why he refused to see her point of view on the situation. If she believed her dad was alive it would drive her crazy thinking he was out there on his own so for her own well-being she finds comfort in thinking he's no longer on his own but John B just won't let it go. The more time she thought about there relationship the more she feels like she's the older sibling... if it was the other way around and he asked her not to bring there dad up in conversation all of the time she would understand but he just doesn't seem to get it.

"I'm so sorry I'm late" Riley called over to Iris as she threw her apron on.

"Don't worry about it... oh and by the way Topper wants to talk to you" Iris mumbled as Riley looked around the club in search of Top.

Riley and Topper never had any reason to argue... yes he hated pogues but they both seemed to enjoy each other's company. She didn't want to fight with him but no matter what her loyalty's always lay with the pogues and he was also trying to drown John B.

"Before you say anything I want to apologize not for anything I did to John B but for what I said about you're dad that was uncalled for" Topper apologized as Riley walked towards him.

"I also want to apologize for punching you... but the more I think about it you actually deserved that so I'm not sorry" she laughed as he smiled down at her.

"No but seriously I am really sorry... I should have known you'd be listening" he continued to apologize as Riley shock her head.

"Look it's over now and I forgive you but can you try you're best from now on not to kill my brother please" she asked as he slightly nodded his head.

"I'll try but I can't promise anything" he laughed as she walked up to the bar.

"Do you want something to drink or where you just here to see me" she smiled playfully as he sat down on one of the brown stools.

"I was just here to see you but seen as you've mentioned it i will have a drink" he replied as Riley handed him a can of coke.

"That will have to do because I'm in no mood to be searching around for a can of Fanta lemon" she huffed as he smiled across the bar.

"This is fine thank you" he spoke softly as he stared up into her face.

"Topper if you're going to sit there and look at me like that for the whole time I'd suggest you move because I have no problem punching you in the face again" she smiled brightly at him as he laughed and downed his drink.

"There's a party at the Cameron's tonight... you should come" he announced as she looked over at Iris who continued to look down at the ground.

"Em sure... I'll be there thank you" she spoke softly as he nodded and began to walk towards the entrance.

Riley didn't know if Iris was planning to go to this party at her house but she was positive that by the end of her shift she'd have convinced Iris to come along with her.

"Come on.... I don't wanna go on my own and where will you even go when the party is on" Riley asked as Iris shrugged.

"I don't know I was planning on going to go to yours" she whispered as Riley looked over at her.

"We don't even have to stay long... we have absolutely nothing better to do" she voiced as Iris huffed in annoyance.

"Fine okay we'll go but I'm not staying for long and after the party I'm staying at yours" she demanded as Riley nodded admittedly.

Iris practically lived at the château anyway, Riley always sneaks her in through her bedroom window. Ever since Riley was a kid she was never allowed to have sleepovers and when her dad died that rule didn't change but John B could have any of his friends around whenever he felt like it. Riley knew that the only other friends she had besides the pogues were kooks but Iris wasn't like Topper of Rafe she was more like Kiara and if John B even paid the slightest bit of attention he'd soon realize that.


*Authors note*

Hey everyone!!!!
John B and Riley's relationship will get better over time I promise :)
Topper will become one of Riley's closest friends down the line <3
I love Iris so much she's just the cutest :))

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