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Chapter Twelve
Sisterly Bond

Iris watched as Riley left work early complaining of a stomach bug but she knew that the real reason she wanted to leave was because she couldn't face walking back into the club after everything that happened. Rafe knew exactly what he was doing telling Iris about what happened between Riley and him but some tiny part of her was grateful to him for letting her know but the other part of her also hated him for how he treated Riley and how close he came to hitting her.

After Riley and Rafe's argument ended Topper got a phone call and abruptly left the restaurant, something about the way he answered his phone made Iris think he was going to meet up with Rafe. Topper gets this serious expression on his face whenever he speaks to Rafe it reminds her of the one Riley gets when she's fighting with John B. It's as if Topper's always on edge around Rafe and he's never quite sure when he's going to blow.

"You leaving without saying goodbye Top" Iris called as he turned around to face her.

"Yeah I'm sorry I'm in a world of my own lately... anyway Rafe just called he wants to go golfing so that's where I'm off to now" he slightly smiled while Iris grinned up at him.

"Whatever you do don't let him hit anyone with that golf stick of his... because by the way he reacted earlier I wouldn't put it past him" she joked.

"I'll try my best but I can't promise anything" he laughed before turning around and heading out the door.

Iris and Topper's friendship was always more like a brother and sister relationship. When Rafe and Iris used to get into huge arguments Topper would be the one she'd call but once Rafe found out about there friendship he quickly put a stop to it. Topper completely blanked her once Rafe told him never to speak to her again and ever since then they haven't really spoken to one another.

When her shift ended she had to return home to get a change of clothes, she just hoped that her dad wouldn't be there when she arrived. Once she made her way up to the front door she realized it was wide open. Rose never leaves the doors open in case someone from the cut tries to brake in so the fact that it's wide open now means something's wrong.

"Hello is anyone home" she called out as she tiptoed into the house.

Iris quietly made her way into the kitchen when someone coughed behind her.

"What the fuck Rafe you scared me" she shouted as he looked down at her.

"Why are you snooping around the place" he asked in annoyance.

"The front door was wide open... I thought someone had broke in... Topper said he was meeting up with you to play golf so I didn't think you'd be here" she answered before walking to the fridge and pulling out a cool can of cola.

"Oh you thought one of your pogue friends tried to rob us... I wouldn't put it past them and we were at the golf course but em we got a little sidetracked" he hissed as she threw him a stern look.

"Why do I even bother... I just came to get some clothes and then I'll be gone" she mumbled.

"Wait a second Iris em... I was talking to Wheezie yesterday and she was saying how much she misses spending time with you... I'm not saying I care about how she feels I'm just saying maybe you should go and speak to her" he spoke up as she nodded her head slightly.

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