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Chapter Twenty Six
Storage Unit

John B hadn't been in touch with Riley since they went their separate ways that day on the runway. Worry clouded her judgment as she stormed her way towards the front of the château, birds chirped in the distance, the sound almost mocking as she came face to face with a portrait of her father. Fury burned through her veins as she thought of how much John B needed him here, how much she needed him here, how much life he threw away just because of some treasure he continuously chose over his family and John B was now going down that same exact path, one thing Riley was certain of was that she was not going to let him die over something they could live without, they didn't need the gold or the money to survive, the truth was that greed played a huge part in it too. Finding the Royal Merchant would be life changing for each and everyone of them but it wouldn't come without consequences.

Footsteps fell on the hard wooded floor as she spun around in search of her friends, silence loomed in the distance and once the realization that she was alone finally hit her, her eyes landed on a piece of paper folded up on the kitchen counter.

"I'm sorry we left you alone but last night you barely got any sleep and I didn't want to wake you, I know you'll probably be mad at me but I promise if I hear anything from John B you'll be the first person I call. Keep your phone off silent and meet us at the dock at three.

I love you, JJ"

A feeling of deja vu washed over her as she stood with the letter in hand, this wasn't the first time JJ had wrote Riley an apology letter for leaving her alone while him and the others left her behind but as much as she would have liked to feel anger in that moment, it didn't come, she more so felt relieved to have some time alone, to try and come to terms with everything. Deep down she knew that no matter how hard she tried to come to terms with what had happened it would never be that simple, maybe in time she'd come to make peace with it, find some solace in the accident but while she sat on her couch she understood that wasn't going to happen overnight.

Riley had all intentions of calling Iris to see how she was feeling, after all it was her brother who murdered someone but once Riley's finger hovered over Iris's contact details her phone began to ring.

"Hey girl where are you right now" Kiara asked from the other end of the line.

"I'm still at home... have you heard from John B yet" Riley quickly replied.

"Yes we have and I'll tell you all about it when you meet us where JJ's dad stores his boat"

"I'm confused why do we need JJ's dad's boat" she questioned as she picked up her bike.

"The quicker you get here the quicker we can answer all your questions" the line cut short as she pushed her phone into her pocket before jumping onto her bike and beginning her journey across the cut.

The whole town was in chaos as she cycled past multiple police cars all in search of one person, the wrong person. Right and wrong never really made any difference to the rich that was one thing Riley learned about living on the cut. Kook's could get away with anything as long as they got there family to pay for the damage's done. Something she never really understood was how easy it was for people to overlook your wrongs once you had money to back you up, she never had that going for her so every single little thing she ever done wrong has been and always will be held against her. The flashing lights intensified the closer she got to the center of town, people stopped and stared as she peddled quicker as if she was just as evil as the killer himself, this was how life would be from now on she reminded herself, people will judge and people will hate but people won't know what happened, not really.

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐦 ; 𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬Where stories live. Discover now