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Chapter Four
The Cameron's

Iris finished her shift early and decided she'd go home instead of getting ready at the château with Riley. Iris had no plans on staying at home while the party that Rafe organized was going on but Riley persuaded her otherwise. She had no problem with her best friend and Rafe being close because she knew that if it really came down to it Riley would always choose her.

"Why are you home" Rafe asked as Iris walked in through the front door.

"I live here if you haven't already noticed... so I don't need a reason to come home" she answered as she walked past him and up the stairs.

"This place isn't your home... you basically live on the cut with the rest of the trash" he snapped as she spun around and grinned slightly.

"Do you want to say that again when Riley is standing beside me" she asked as he looked her up and down in anger.

"No that's what I thought... the sooner the better she comes to realize exactly what you are for herself because once she does she'll want nothing to do with you"

Iris and Rafe's relationship has always been a complicated one, as kids they were inseparable they loved spending time with each other and Rafe always made sure she never felt left out but once they got older that all changed. Sarah was always Wards favorite child and he wasn't afraid to let everyone know that, anytime he was proud of Sarah he'd make sure to voice it in front of anyone who would care to listen but with Iris he couldn't understand why she liked spending so much time playing in the marsh or how she would want to go on a walk down near to cut. Even when Iris was young she had this fascination with the cut and it wasn't because of the way they lived it was because of the love they all shared for one and other.

When you're a child the only thing you really want is for your parents to love you and Iris never felt that at home she always felt like the black sheep of the family so when she first saw the cut she soon realized that even though the family's on that side of the island didn't have lots of money they had the one thing she didn't and that was love.

Rafe also considerers himself the black sheep of the family and Iris knows how her dad treats him. Ward constantly pushes him to do better and make good choices but he puts way to much pressure on him to be perfect and it's impossible for him to live up to his expectations. Ward never pushed Iris to do anything because she always went against him. Sarah and Wheezie were Wards favorite children they done everything he asked without question and they loved him more then anything. At home there family is completely divided but once they step foot outside for people to see there family is whole and perfect.

"Are you staying for the party" Sarah asked as she closed Iris's bedroom door behind her.

"Yeah Riley was asked to come so she didn't want to go on her own... so it looks like I'm staying" she slightly smiled as Sarah sat down on her bed.

"Look I know I haven't seen much of you recently but I want you to know that I'm always here for you... I know how dad can be but that doesn't change how I feel about you... you're my little sister Iris and I love you" she spoke honestly.

"I love you too Sarah... and I miss talking to you" she answered as she sat down beside her sister and rested her head on top of her shoulder.

The bedroom door slowly opened as Wheezie walked in with her phone in hand.

"I freaking knew it was you... why am I never included in these conversations I'm so sick of it" she huffed as Iris put her arms out as an invitation.

Wheezie quickly ran over and rested her head on Iris's shoulder the same way she had hers on Sarah's. The three girls never really had time to just sit with each other without there dad interfering or Rafe screaming about something so this little moment was peaceful. All Iris wanted was for the three of them to be able to be like this all of the time but she knew that would never be the case.

"We should really start getting ready and you should be getting ready for bed" Sarah spoke up as Iris looked down at her little sister.

"It's not fair that you two get to go to the party and I don't" Wheezie moaned as Iris playfully nudged her.

"You we're falling asleep on my shoulder... you're tired there'll be other party's to go to and midsummers is only a few days away so just look forward to that" Iris tried to help as Wheezie looked up into her face.

"Will you be at midsummer's with us" she asked as Sarah looked over at Iris.

"I was thinking about not going but dad would literally kill me so that's not really an option and seen as you want me to go so much I'll definitely be there" she smiled as her little sister held out her pinkie finger.

"You promise" she asked softly as Iris nodded her head in agreement.

"I pinky promise" she replied as she hooked her pinkie finger around her sisters.

"Now go and get ready for bed" Sarah spoke sternly as Wheezie left the room.

"I'll come and check up on you later and see if you haven't killed Rafe yet" Sarah smiled as Iris laughed.

"What makes you think I didn't kill him already" she mocked as Sarah giggled and left her alone in her room.

Iris loved her sisters more then anything and that's probably what made her more angry at her dad because the more they fought the more strain it put on her relationship with Sarah and Wheezie. Rose wasn't that much of a problem for Iris she didn't like her very much but they didn't fight like cat and dog so that was a plus and when Iris and her dad would fight Rose would help defuse the situation. The Cameron's were a complicated family and that will never change but one things for certain... none of them can be trusted.


*Authors note*

Hey everyone i hope you're day/ night has been good !!!!
This chapter revolved around the Cameron family.
They are the most interesting and stressful family I've ever seen !!!
Iris, Sarah and Wheezie's relationship is so cute and I can't wait to show you more of it <3

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