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Chapter Eight
Personal Space

Iris needed to take some time for herself as she wandered around the island. She never knew what it was like to have a large group of friends that would love her no matter what she done, she never even had a family that would love her no matter what but Riley had that. John B may be hard to deal with some times but he only ever does what he thinks is best for her... and JJ, Kiara and Pope are always there for her whenever she needs them, no matter what. Iris wasn't jealous of what she had but she did wish that she could be apart of it.

John B had every right to assume that Iris was exactly like her father or her brother but he didn't even give her the chance to introduce herself properly. Iris didn't want to make Riley and John B's relationship any worse then it already was so she thought the best thing that she could do was to leave. She thought that some fresh air might help to clear her mind.

"Why are you not in work today" Ward called from the front seat of his car as he pulled up beside her.

"I'm off today" she answered shortly as she continued walking along the side of the road.

"Get in we haven't talked to each other in awhile" he spoke as she shook her head slightly.

"No I'm all good... I wanted some fresh air anyway" she replied as his car slowly crawled up closer.

"Get in the car Iris" he demanded as she looked up into his face.

Iris knew by the look he gave her that she had no other choice but to get into the car. She made her way around to the passenger side door and slammed it with a bang as he snapped his head in her direction.

"You could pretend to be even a little bit more grateful to me for offering you a lift" he huffed as she continued to stare straight ahead.

"You didn't offer me anything... I didn't want a lift I would have preferred to walk" she spoke calmly as he began to drive.

"Midsummer's is this week... have you picked out a dress" he asked while he tried his best to change the subject.

"No actually I haven't even thought about it... I'm sure I'll find something"

"I'll get Rose to pick something out for you because the last time you picked out your own dress it was horrible" he commented.

"This was a great conversation dad but now I'm done talking to you" she sighed as he pulled into the driveway of their home.

"Iris listen to me okay... I know we don't always see eye to eye but I need you to try you're best to paint on a smile when we're together at midsummer's" he uttered as she slowly turned toward him.

"When have I ever not had to fake a smile when we're out in public... I know what I have to do and I don't need you to keep reminding me how fucked up this family is" she snapped while he looked down at her with anger evident on his face.

"This family is why you have this house... this family is why you have all of those clothes upstairs..." he shouted as she cut him off.

"I paid for them clothes upstairs myself... I never asked for any of this" she spoke while she pointed in the direction of there home.

"This is what you wanted... you wanted the big house and the big cars but I didn't need that... none of us needed that. Rafe needed anger management classes but you couldn't reach you're hand into your back pocket for him because it would ruin this family's reputation... Sarah needed extra classes but you wouldn't get them for her either because you didn't want other people to know that she needed extra help... I needed you to be around more but you couldn't even do that and Wheezie practically never see's you... so don't for one second think you've done all of this for us because that couldn't be further from the truth" she snapped and the next thing she knew was his hand meeting the side of her face and the sting that arose from her right cheek.

"Don't you ever speak to me like that again Iris... I'm you're father and if you weren't such an ungrateful little bitch you would realize that everything I do is for my kids" he shouted as she tried to control her tears.

"I'll say it once again so you understand me DAD... I didn't need any of this I just needed you" she spoke shakily as she jumped out of the passenger seat and began walking quickly in the opposite direction of their house.

Not once has Ward ever laid a hand on Iris, in all of the years that they continuously argued the situation never escalated to a point where he felt the need to hit her physically but today was obviously different. Iris could feel the heat on her cheek intensifying as she began to let tears flow down her cheeks.

While she walked she thought about everything she had said to Ward in that moment and for a tiny minute she began to regret how honest she was with him but she also needed to tell him how she felt. That moment slowly faded away when a car horn beeped from behind her.

"Maybe next time try not to walk in the middle of the road"  John B called from the twinkie.

"I'm really sorry... I honestly didn't even realize" she softly answered as she wiped her tears away.

"Are you okay" he asked as she stopped walking and turned around to face him.

"Yeah I'm fine... about today though I'm sorry if I spoke to you rudely and I'm also sorry about how late it was when we rang you for a lift home" she answered as he smiled down at her.

"It's me who should be apologizing for the way I reacted... it was childish and I shouldn't have judged you before I even got to know you" he voiced as he opened the passenger side door.

"What are you..." she asked as he cut her off.

"I want to get to know you better... it's what I should have done from the moment Riley told me that the two of you were friends... so how about you hop in and have some food with the rest of us" he asked kindly as she smiled brightly up at him.

"Are you sure the rest of you're friends won't mind" she spoke timidly.

"I'm positive they won't have a problem with it and Riley should be home soon aswell" he answered as she climbed into the passenger seat beside him.


*Authors note*

Hey everyone I hope you're all having a good night/ day!!!
I'm actually feeling so bad on Iris :(
But I do really like John B and Iris's friendship and I can't wait to write more about it <33

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