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Chapter Eighteen
Tumbling Down

Everyone watched silently as John B hurriedly walked away from the twinkie and towards the tower. Riley could feel the tension build up in the van as all of her friends sat in awkward silence. She knew everything that happened between Kiara and Sarah, Kie confided in Ry one night and explained everything that happened in key detail so she understood better then anyone what Kiara was feeling and she had every right to be upset.

"I'm just gonna go find him... it'll only take me a minute" Riley broke the silence while she pushed herself up from her seat.

"I can come with you if you want me to" JJ offered quietly.

"No it's okay I'll be fine... I just need to talk to him in private if that's okay" she smiled over at him.

"That's fine just be careful" he hummed.

Riley would have agreed to him coming with her but she didn't want him to overhear their conversation. John B needed to understand where Kiara was coming from, he had every right to be with Sarah if he wanted to but he also had to be respectful of Kie's feelings towards her.

As Riley got closer to the tower she noticed Topper's car parked right in front of it. Something felt wrong as she began to speed towards the old building in front of her. Riley jumped two steps at a time until she reached the top of the dark damp tower. Sarah and John B were facing Topper with concerned expressions as he spat insults at the both of them. Riley could feel the anger radiating off Topper as he moved a step towards them.

"I should have drowned you like your old man" he spat out as John B got up into his face.

"Is that the only insult you can ever think of because it's the second time you've said it... it's beginning to get old" Riley voiced from behind him.

"This has nothing to do with you Riley" he replied shortly.

"I didn't come up here to get involved in your domestic dispute but obviously she doesn't have feelings for you anymore man... you may as well bow out gracefully instead of being a man child about it" she laughed as he turned around to face her.

"Who asked for your opinion because I sure as hell didn't... you always get involved in other peoples shit and lately is been really fucking bothering me" he shouted as he stepped closer to her.

"Is this where I'm supposed to back off and walk away quietly... you seem to forget that I'm not afraid of you Top you've never had the balls to stick up for yourself... you're a follower and that's all you'll ever be you stand behind Rafe like a good little boy and never speak up and then you have the audacity come crawling back a day or so later to apologize to me... realistically Top you don't give a fuck about anyone other then yourself and that will never change" she told him as he stood with an expression full of anger.

"Shut your mouth before I shut it for you pogue" he huffed as she laughed slightly.

"Oh I'm so sorry I offended you... did I hurt your feelings kook... honestly I don't understand how you think that's an insult to me anymore we're not ten. You're like a broken record Topper... you're boring it's no wonder she's bored of you man" she smiled up at him as he put his arms out to grab her.

"Don't you dare fucking touch her" John B shouted as he swung Topper around to face him.

Nothing could have prepared Riley for what was about to happen but as she moved closer Topper shoved John B hard into the wooded railing. Seconds turned into hours as she heard the wood crack as John B lost his footing and fell through the railing.

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