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"No." I stated Looking up at JJ.

His mouth was agape and he looked at me with a WTF expression. "Addison you were cool with the plan until now."

"I am not getting in a stolen ambulance with you, pretending to be EMTS to break John b out of jail. I can't save John b if I'm in jail too." I said crossing my arms as I sat on my front porch. I was now in my Pjs even though it was no hour to be in Pjs.

"I borrowed the ambulance, I did not steal it." He explained.

"Right and does Ricky know you borrowed his ambulance?" I asked raising my eyebrows at him.

JJ huffed, "No. No he doesn't okay? I stole it. If that's your definition of stealing."

I rolled my eyes at the boy, "look call me if you need me okay? I'm going to go look around for my mom. Stop by the station again and stuff." I sniffed.

Mom had disappeared once before in the 7th grade. She was gone for two weeks and then came back with Chad so I wasn't worried but I was worried. I was super worried.

"Alright. Let me know okay?" JJ said. He leaned down and kissed my forehead, "be safe."

"I'll be so safe." I mumbled giving him a cocky grin.

"Mhm you better. Love you!" He yelled as he jogged away back to the ambulance he had driven over here.

I sighed and stood up, "grandma!" I yelled into the house.

"Do you need anything from the store?" I asked as I walked into the house grabbing my tote bag with my wallet in it.

I knocked on the bathroom door where she was showering, I doubt she could hear me through the running water so I opened it and stuck my head inside.

"Hey grandma do you need anything from the store?" I asked again, she didn't reply so I stuck my head in further.

"Grandma do-"

Grandma Cameron was on the floor of the shower, beant over and not moving.

"Hey! Oh my god grandma?" I said rushing into the bathroom, opening up the shower door and bending down to lift up my grandmas head.

"Grandma? Grandma come on wake up." I said pushing her lightly as I held her head.

"Shit." I mumbled stumbling to get my phone out of my back pocket.
Water poured down on my head and tesrs cascaded down my face , hitting my phone making the screen wet. I quickly dialed 911.

"Hi! Um my grandma she is non responsive- please send someone over. Please hurry." I cried into the phone.

I patted grandmas cheek trying to wake her, "grandma please don't leave me." I muttered, "please I just got you."


The EMTS came and a put grandma in one of those bags that you see in horror movies.

I sat on the couch staring blankly at the wall, my eyes were puffy and my cheeks were sticky.

I hated the inevitable.

Death was inevitable but I hated every second of it.
I hated that I was the one to find grandma. When you just hear about it, it's not as real. It doesn't effect you that much but when you see it. It messes with you forever.

Me and my friends faced death every single day, more than anyone our age I think. I wish we didn't.
I wish we never took a single bar of gold out of that stupid well.
I wish that John b wasn't so much like his father.
I wished that I could just be a normal teenager but I wasn't.

Electric Love 𓇽 JJ MaybankΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα