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It was dark out now and I sat with two beers in my hand leaning up against some driftwood, watching the ocean.

"You dirty pogues!" I heard being yelled at. I whipped my head around to see John b push topper back. I stood up and watched as topper took a full swing at John b sending him to the ground. "That bastard." I mumbled throwing my drinks on the ground. Pope was holding JJ back and Sarah was doing nothing.

"Get your boyfriend or I will sarah." I mumbled. She stood still and I groaned walking towards topper.

"Addison. Addison stop." JJ said from behind Pope.

"Lay off topper." I muttered pushing him away from John b so he could get some air

"Move Addie, I won't hesitate to hit a girl." He said. I pulled my fist back and punched him in the jaw as hard as I could. He rubbed his cheek, spitting out blood.

"Don't you lay a hand on her!" JJ yelled now, really trying to get out of pope's grasp.

I looked over at John b who was panting holding himself out of the water. Pain covered my face as toppers fist collided with my cheek making me stumble back.

"Oh you're a dead topper! Did you hear me?" JJ yelled.

I went to throw another punch but Kie Grabbed me and pulled me back. "Do you have a death wish!?" She yelled at me pushing me as hard as she could back as I resisted.

Topper walked back over to John b punching the now stood up John again, making him fall down.

"Hey John b, don't make me drown you like your old man, all right?" Topper said kicking John b.

"John b!" I yelled.

The crowd was shouting fight! Fight! Fight! And Kie had a tight grip on my arm staring at what was going down in front of us. John tacked topper to the ground making me watch more with anticipation.

"John b let it go man!" Pope yelled.

"Stop you guys!" Kie yelled too.

"Topper stop!" Sarah was doing a horrible job of controlling her boyfriend.

The boys walked in a circle not sure if they even wanted to do this anymore but the crowd was agging it on even more. "That's what I'm talking about!" JJ yelled as John b landed a hit.

"Come on. Come on." I mumbled rubbing my face.

"Come on!" John yelled at topper. "Come on!

"you wanna go?" Topper asked.

Topper hit John b right in the face making me wince. "Stop please!"

John b then threw topper back in the ocean. "Come on topper!" John yelled at him. "Let's go! Come on!"

The testosterone was so thick you could practically smell it in the air.

They threw a few more punches at each other before Topper flipped John b over into the water and held him down.

"Topper! Stop!" I yelled.

"Topper. Stop. Topper!" Sarah yelled too.

I let out a sob as I watched my best friend get drowned. I tried to pull away but Kie grip on my arm just got tighter and tighter. Her face filled with pain and sadness.

"Topper come on!" I yelled now, fully crying.

"He's drowning him." Pope said, looking at me and Kie.

My breath hitched in the back of my throat and my knees Buckled and I grabbed onto Kie and pope for support. "Oh my." I muttered seeing JJ with a gun to Topper's head.

"Come on chill dude!" Pope yelled.

Everyone else on the beach ran off, smart.

"JJ!" Sarah yelled. "Put the gun down."

"You say something princess?" JJ said the gunstilk to the back of topper's head.

"We're good. We're good." Topper said slowly coming back up.

"Addie, can you check your psycho friend?" Sarah yelled at me.

"Okay everyone listen up! Get the hell off our side of the island!" JJ yelled letting two bullets rain up.

My breath hitched and The world around me spun a little and I felt like I couldn't breath. "Kie." I said stumbling back into the sand. "Addie? What's wrong." She said bending down looking at me concerned.

"I think I'm having a panic attack." I tried to get out, but she understood it. My breath was caught in my throat and I shook uncontrollably.

"Addie what do I do? How do I help you?" She asked, looking at me.

"JJ." I muttered knowing I couldn't even get out all the words.

"JJ! You idiot! Come here!" Kie yelled.

JJ neild down in front of me, it didn't look like JJ though. His eyes had a dark cast over them. "Hey hey Addie I'm here." He said rubbing my knuckles. "You gotta calm down. Calm your breathing. Focus on my face."

I couldn't focus on JJ's face because it wasn't JJ. It was the JJ that pulled the trigger, the JJ that was going to kill a man. I shook my head quickly. "I-I-I can't." I managed to get out.

"Come on, look at my face. It's me, JJ."

I shook my head again. "I can't. I can't."

I let in a gasp for air and before I knew it I was holding my breath. In a different way then what I knew but in the way my eyes were open staring at JJs closed one as his lips were on Mine.

He pulled away and looked at my face to see if I was out of it, the dark cast seemed to fade away from his eyes.

"How did you know what would work?" I asked him.

"I read once that holding your breath could stop a panic attack. And when I kissed you, you held your breath." He said.

"Oh." I said, wiping my face.

"Thanks I guess."


Electric Love 𓇽 JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now