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I sat on my floor looking outside at the storm. It was really raining and the wind banged against the window. I hated storms. I always got panic attacks from loud noises like thunder.

Kie invited me over to her house knowing that, but my mom didn't want me driving in this weather.

Lightning flashed and I put my fingers over my ear knowing thunder was going to come shortly after.

I let out a small scream as a hand banged on the window. "Oh my gosh." I muttered standing up, opening my window.

"JJ what the hell are you doing here! It's 1 in the morning!" I whispered yelled at him, pulling him into my room and quickly closing the window. He was soaked.

I walked into the bathroom and grabbed a towel.

"You don't like storms." He said, grabbing the towel and drying off his hair.

"So you walked here?" I asked, looking at him like he was crazy. "In a hurricane?"

"Uh yeah. How else do you think I got here?" He shrugged, taking off his shoes and jumping on my bed, putting his hands behind his head.

I looked at the soaked boy on my bed wondering where his mind had gone.

I lightly jumped at the sound of thunder booming through my room, not even seeing the lightning. "Come on, I don't bite. Much." JJ said, patting the spot next to me. "Kie said you can never sleep during a storm so I thought maybe you'd be able to sleep if I was here."

"You didn't have to do that. I would have eventually fallen asleep." I said, looking at him thoughtfully, laying on the bed next to him under the covers.

"I can't have you tired for tomorrow when we hang out. You're having fun."

I laughed and smiled. "I wouldn't call me the fun."

Jj held his arm up and I moved over into his side as he placed his arm around my shoulder. "You are the major fun. Without You, our group would not be fun."

I laughed lightly again at his choice of words. JJ wasn't always the greatest with words but I think that's why they meant more.

Thunder Boomed and I jumped just to have JJ grab me a little tighter. "I got you. I got you don't worry." He whispered, rubbing my back.

"Thank you JJ." I muttered, my face nuzzled into his neck.

"I got you."


The light shined brightly in my room through the window since the currents weren't closed. I stretched and sat up seeing JJ was no longer in my bed. Typical JJ.

I yawned and threw my legs over the side of the bed. I looked at my phone seeing I had no service, it would be back up soon so I didn't worry.

"Addison, come help Chad with the dock!" My mom yelled from downstairs.

I groaned knowing I was going to have to pick up all the trash while he scrubbed at one single scratch on his boat for the next few hours.

Chad was the class A- rich person if you know what I mean.

Opening up my drawer I grabbed a bathing suit, some shorts and a tank top.

I pulled off my clothes and put on my new ones plus my bathing suit. The bathing suit was so I could jump into the water from the dock, and drift far far away.

I pulled My hair up into a ponytail and walked down the stairs where Chad was drinking some juice cleanse drink. "ready?"

I shrugged. "Nothing I'd rather be doing more on a Saturday."

"That's the spirit." He smiled, turning around making me roll my eyes. One thing he hadn't quite grasped was sarcasm.

I looked around outside at the limbs and trash thrown into the yard. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but still hours of work. I walked to the end of the dock looking out into the trashed waters.

"That's disgusting." I muttered, shaking my head. "There's already 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic in the ocean."

"Even more disgusting look at the boat!" My step dad scoffed pointing at the huge boat with limbs on the inside.

"Please let me escape this." I muttered, grabbing a trash bag and a limb.

"Good morning, Vietnam!" I heard JJ voice boom. I turned my Head and smiled at all my friends on the HMS pogue.

"Saving grace!" I beamed, throwing the bag on the dock. "Bye Chad." I said getting in the boat with pope's help.

"Addison where do you think your going?" He asked angrily. "You can ground me when I get back. Tell mom to text me when the powers back." I waved a small wave at him, which turned into the middle finger. "Bye bye."

I huffed turning around and sitting on the ground of the boat. "Douche."

Kie handed me a beer and I popped the top off putting it in my pocket. "Salud." Kie said, holding hers up to me and JJ.

"Skoal." JJ said, bumping the top to ours.



"Let me show y'all a party trick." JJ said, making me raise an eyebrow at him.

"Hey pope can you go a little faster please?" Jj said. I scoffed and took a sip of my beer.

"Oh god here we go. I'm moving." John b said.

"Likewise." I said holding my hand up to John to help me up. "We've tried this like 6000 times."

"I got this. It's gonna work!" JJ said surely as I sat next to John b. "Bless his soul." I muttered while taking another sip.

He held the beer up and let gravity bring it down to anywhere but his mouth apparently.

Kie giggled. "You're getting beer in my hair!"

"Oh my god." Pope muttered, shaking his head.

"You're not getting another beer JJ." I yelled to the front of the boat, shielding my face with John's shoulder as the beer was carried by the wind.

"All right. all right!" Pope said, holding his hand over his face to stop the liquid from going in his eyes.

"All right, you're done."

I shook my head and put my beer up to my lips to take a sip before the boat came to an unexpected stop making me fall forward, breaking the neck of the bottle on my mouth and cutting my lip in the process. "Jesus Pope." Kie huffed at Him.

I spit loose shards of glass into my hand and huffed, throwing them in the bag we had as a trash can, along with the rest of the bottle.

"JJ are you okay?" I asked hoping he was so I could yell at him for being careless.

"I think my heels touched the back of my head." He muttered in pain. Maybe I'll yell at him later.

"Kie you okay?" John b asked. "I'm alright." She moaned.

I laid back on the front of the boat huffing and rubbing my head.

"Addie?" Kie asked.

I held up a thumbs up. "Just bleeding. A Little blood ain't hurt no one."

"Unless there bleeding out, or have the wrong blood type transfused or-" pope said

"Glad to know your okay pope." John b muttered, cutting him off.

"Pope what did you do?" JJ asked swimming to the boat.

"Sandbar. Channel changed." He said.

"No shit." JJ said annoyed.

"Ugh this is probably gonna mess the whole place up." John b groaned

"Hey I saved the beer though." JJ said proudly.

"Congrats mine busted." I muttered rolling my eyes. I looked over at pope who was looking over the boat.

"Guys.. I think there's a boat down there."


Electric Love 𓇽 JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now