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The phantom


"Yeah mom I'm okay." I whispered to her, my lip trembling as I held the phone up to my ear.

"I don't like you involved in this Addie." She said from the other line.

"I'll be home later okay? I promise I'll be okay." I said tears streaming down my face. The gut feeling in my stomach told me otherwise. The best outcome that's going to happen is I was gonna lose my brother, my best friend tonight.

My mom sighed on the other end. "I know I can't talk you into coming home now."


"Be safe. I love you."

"Love you too mom." I whispered, closing my phone and putting my head down on one of the tables at the wreck and quietly crying. I don't know how everyone was so okay with John b just leaving.

"He's punched for sure man." JJ said.

"No. They wouldn't still be patrolling if they caught him." Pope said.

"Let's hope."

"You know we were in that car. They're probably looking for us too." Kie said.

"Thank you for that, Kie." I muttered.

"Well if we're gonna be outlaws, we might as well help John b."

"So find him before they do?"


"I'm gonna get gas for the boat."

"Hey you be careful. Okay?"

"Meet me at the dock at three. Don't be late."

I sighed and looked up at Kie and pope both leaving angrily. We were all turning on eachother now.

I leaned my head against the wood and let out a small sob.

"Sh sh Addie it's okay." JJ said, pulling a chair up next to me. "We're all going to be fine."

"How can you say that?" I mumbled getting up and walking outside on the porch watching Kie and pope yell at eachother.

Pope sped off on JJ bike and Kie head fell defeated, walking back towards us. A loud sound came from the sky and I looked up seeing a helicopter in the air.

"Who the hell Is that?"


"Are you sure he wasn't just being a weird pope?" JJ asked Kie as me and her packed food for Sarah and John b.

"It wasn't really that kind of thing that needed interpretation." Kie said, grabbing the bread. "Is that enough food for them?"

"I mean for a couple of weeks, and that's all they need so.."

"Look, I think I actually hurt his feelings." Kie said.

I nodded. "Oh you did. Popes have liked you since they first met you."

Kie let out a small groan and threw her head back, walking out the door.

"Look, don't beat yourself up too much. He's completely changed his feelings. The past 24 hours have been like Jekyll and Hyde."

"I hate to admit it but I miss the old pope." I said.

"At least we knew what to expect from him." Jj agreed.

"Where have you been?" I looked over and saw Mrs. Carrea and my smile fell. I pretended to help JJ with the food, giving him a small look.

"I-I'm fine. I slept here."

"Well we're up half the night, scared to death, looking for you. Where you even gonna tell us?" Mrs. Anna said to Kie.

"Well I'm telling you right now." Kie muttered

"What the hell are you three up to?" She asked.

"I'm sorry, Miss Anna, we just gotta go." I mumbled, smiling at her lightly.

"Sorry." Kie said to her mom.

"No. I'm sorry. Absolutely not. Have you heard what's going on? Have you seen the storm coming in?" I opened up the back seat of the car and got In, JJ in the front.

"Mom, I'll explain later."

"This is not safe."

"I'm sorry mom. I have to go!"

"These cops are armed, Kiara. You'll get shot."

"I have to go!"

"I am not letting you do this."

"Mom, John B needs me! I understand. I'll be careful."

"You need to stay here."

Kie closed the door and started crying. "I'm sorry."

"Stop. Open the door right now. Stop it right now."

"I'm sorry." Kie cried moving forward.

"Right now, Kiara! This is not safe! Stop!"

I looked out the window at Kies mom crying. And it made my gut turn again. She was right, This wasn't safe.


I looked out the window at JJshouse. JJ gulped a little, "home sweet home." He muttered.

"Do you want me to come? I'll go with you JJ." I said.

"No. It'll only take a second." He said opening the car door and getting out.

I smiled lightly at him as he nodded towards us.

"You really like JJ don't you?" Kie asked.

I nodded slightly. "After John b leaves, do you think we'll all be okay?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"John b has always been the mediator of the group. The leader. What happens when he leaves? All we got now is 4 supporting characters but no one to support."

"Like are we going to stay friends?" Kie asked.

I nodded slightly.

"Honestly? I have no clue." Kie sighed.

The door to JJshouse closed and he came out. "How'd it go?" I asked.

JJ held up the keys that were dangling off of his fingers.

I put my hand on my cheek and searched his face for any sign of emotion or bruises. He smiled lightly at me and nodded, making me smile back too.


Also Idk why Addie has service and no one else in the show does. She's ummm special ig ✨✨

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