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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" JJ asked as we got out of the car.

""She's the only one who can clear John b." Kie said.

"Last place they'll look because of how stupid it is." JJ said.

"I'm going to go to the front." I said.

"What? That's a horrible idea." JJ said.

I shook my head and looked at my friends. "Ward has been a part of my family for years. I mean I used to spend countless nights over here because he was Chad's best friend. I go up there playing the whole 'my best friends a murder' card. He'll be distracted enough so you can get to Sarah."

Kie sighed. "She's right, guys. Call us okay?"

I nodded and saluted my friends. "Driver down."

"Diver down."

Jj walked up to me and pressed his lips against mine. "Go get em tiger."

I giggled and kissed him one more time before turning around and running towards the entrance of tanny hill.

I clicked the call button on the gate and prepped my tears and my sob story.

"Tanny hill residents. We're not accepting visitors right now." I heard Rose's voice on the speaker.

"M-mrs. Cameron?" I asked, my voice breaking.

"Addie is that you?"

I nodded even though she couldn't see me.

"Mama rose I-I just didn't know who else to come to. I'm having the worst week ever and- I just need to talk to my family." I said lightly crying in between words.

"Come in sweetie." The gate opened and I smiled lightly before walking through. The front door was already open and Rose stood at it. When I walked up to it I made my lip quiver before I broke down and started sobbing, hugging her.

"Aw it's okay. Come in."

I almost felt bad but then I remembered ward and rafe were literally murders.

"Rose, who's here?" I heard a voice yell and Ward Cameron turned the corner.

"I-I I'm really sorry for coming her unannounced but I'm just really shook up right now." I said, shaking my hands a little bit.

"Addie? What's wrong." He said. He almost looked at me suspicious as he sat on the couch.

I cried a little bit more trying to calm myself down a bit, Rose rubbing my back.

"My parents are getting a divorce and me and my mom are broke now. We live in the cut now and I know I have friends from there but I just can't live there. It's just gross and our hot water has already broken!And then I had to sell my car and I had to walk to the store today. And then in the store was a photo of John b! He's being wanted for murder and-and I know John b has a temper, and I just don't know what to do!" I cried. "John b was like my brother and I don't know what to do if he contacts me, I'm scared of Mr. Cameron."

He looked at the rose and then back at me. He put his hand on my shoulder and rubbed it slightly, making me disgusted at the guy who stole 400 million from me and my friends.

"Everythings going to be okay Addison. John b will be held accountable for his actions and be in a jail cell for a long time, he can't hurt you. How bout I call your mom to come pick you up? It's dark. No need for you to walk home." He said.

I nodded slightly. "If you could. She- she got a new number. Do you mind if I type it in?" Ward stood up and nodded, motioning to the land line. I grabbed it and typed in Kie number holding it up to my ear, tapping my foot anxiously.

"M-mom?" I cried.

"Addie. We're ready when you are." Kie whispered

"I know it's late, I'm sorry. Can you just come pick me up? Please? I'm at Cameron's."

"Meet us at where we stopped okay?"

I nodded slightly. "Okay. Thank you mom. I know I'm sorry. I love you. Yeah I'll start walking. Love you." I hung up and whipped a few tears under my eyes.

"She uh she Wants me to start walking in that direction so you folks can get your rest." I said messing with my hands. "Thank you both for just calming my nerves."

"Your welcome sweetie." Rose smiled.

"If you hear from John b, call the police alright?" Ward said.

I nodded and smiled a tiny bit at them. "I-I will. Thank you. Have a good night." Ward Opened up the door for me and waved me out.

I waved a little and walked towards the gate which opened Infront of me and till I was out of view from the house. I took off running towards the direction of where we parked

"Addie! Come on!" Kie whispered yelled as I ran towards her car and slid in the back seat.

"Your face is red." JJ laughed, wiping some of the tears on my face.

"I sobbed for a good 5 minutes. Takes a lot out of you." I laughed.

"How'd it go on y'all end?" I asked pope and Kie who were in the front.

"Sarah's not involved. She's on our side, ya know testify on JB behalf. Wards got her locked in her room. Hopefully if our plan falls through, she'll be able to save us." Kie said.

I nodded and laid my head against the window.

"I hope we never have a day like this ever again." I muttered, closing my eyes.

"You Can say that again."


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