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Episode 10: The Coastal Venture

'Hey sweetie'

I sucked on the back of my teeth, looking at the man infront of me. "I knew it." I whispered, "I knew my life was too goddamn easy." I spat at the man as I pushed past him and out the door.

"Addie-" Ward said grabbing my arm.

"Don't you dare. Don't you fucking dare touch me." I yelled at him.

I turned back and walked down the hallway and out the door. I hopped down the stairs, the wind blowing in my hair as I made my way onto the deck of the boat.

"Hey miss. You can't be out here." A man told me.

"Getting some air alright? Do you want me to puke in the cabin for you to clean up?" I asked him.

He rolled his eyes at me, "make it quick."

I rolled my eyes back at Him and walked further onto the deck, weaving through the shipping containers.
I ran my hands through my hair and let out a dry laugh. I leaned my head against one of the containers and sighed. My life would be so much easier if he stayed dead. Like everyone else in the world.
What gave him the right to beat death when no one else could.
What made him more deserving of being alive than my mom?

Rattiling and hushes came from the container I was leaning against causing me to pause my horrid thoughts.

I slowly walked over to the front of the container and undid the latch slowly opening up the door.
Please don't kill me
Please don't kill me

"Hello?" I asked. God if I was in a horror movie I would be the first to die, "probably shouldn't have said hello but my brain is messed up right now."

"Addie?" A voice said as Kies head peaked out behind the shipping container.

"Oh my god thank goodness." I said letting out a sigh in relief as I grabbed the girl and hugged her tight.

"Thank god you're okay. I was so worried about you. What happened to your face?" She asked pulling away looking at me concerned.

"Rafe Cameron happened obviously. Where's the others?" I asked her.

Kie motioned her head out of the container, "pope and JB went to check out the sit. JJs still... hiding. JJ it's literally your girlfriend." She said.

"Just waiting my turn." JJ said stepping out behind a box.

I smiled at him and took a few quick steps towards him and encapsulated his lips with mine. Fireworks seemed to go off if that was a real thing that happened in society. His arms found my neck pulling me in like he needed to get closer.

"You're not staying at the Cameron's anymore alright?" He stated pulling away.

"Absolutely not. Now that wards back in the picture I do not want to step foot in that house." I huffed turning around to face Kie and leaning my head on JJs chest.

"What? Wards alive?" Kie asked.

"Yeah because we have the best luck ever." I said sarcastically. "I have to go. They are probably looking for me." I sighed, "please tell me y'all have a plan?"

"Always got one babes." JJ said smiling at me. "Here. Take this." He said pulling a gun out of his back pocket.

"Woah JJ." Kie stated.

"Rather Ward than you." JJ stated holding it out to me. Old me would never have taken it but Ward Cameron was back and he knew my friends wanted his head on a stick.

"Fine. I'll take it." I said grabbing it and shoving it in my shorts. "Now please don't pass out from heat exhaustion."

"Can't promise it." Kie said giving me a small smile.

I let out a breath, "See y'all on the other side."

JJ blew me a kiss which was the sweetest thing ever giving as JJ would never be caught dead blowing a kiss to anyone if the boys were here. He quickly put his hand down when Kie turned and looked over at him.

I walked out of the container and slowly closed and locked the container, making sure no one saw me as I walked away towards the cabin.

I walked up the stairs slowly and stopped when I heard voices coming from the living room area.

"I don't know how you think this whole plan is going to go over. Both of your daughters hate you." Rose stated to ward.

"Addison does not hate me yet. Not as much as Sarah does." Ward replied.

"She will when she finds out the truth about her mom." Rose said.

Ward huffed, "what happened to Jane was an accident it was never suppose to happen."

"Yeah? Tell the orphan that. Tell your daughter that you killed her mother just beacuse she was in the wrong place at the wrong time." Rose yelled at him, "Jane was my friend Ward and yours to. You had a daughter with her."

I stumbled slightly and I griped the rails tighter. My world was blurry and disoriented as the words replayed over and over in my head. Ward had killed my mother.
I knew it. It was alwasy in the back of my mind that he had something to do with it but part of me didn't want to believe it. Part of me wanted to view my father as a good person. But he wasn't.
Everything he's ever done was to only benefit himself and shit on everyone else.

He killed my mother.

"And your own mother Ward!" Rose said.

"Don't bring my mom into this. I-I I didn't know about her. That was Rafe, rafe is the one who stopped by their house and switched her meds, not me." Ward argued, "Rafe kept going on about how she knew I killed Jane and how she was going to tell the cops-"

"Listen she was, okay?" Rafe stated, "she told me she was going to tell the cops."

"She is old and crazy rafe! They wouldn't have believed her even if she could get to the police station." Ward argued with his son.

"Sorry for tying up your loose ends." Rafe spat, "and besides she had a heart attack because of the drugs. No one's going to know."

"That was my mother Rafe!"

Not even the one person who I thought wasn't murdered was in fact, murdered. I let my head fall and my grip loosen on the rails. I stood up straight and grabbed the gun out of my shorts. I sniffed and wiped my face, popping my neck slightly.

Murder must run in the Cameron name.

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