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"Hello?" Kie yelled waving her hand to get the security guards attention. "Excuse me?"

I watched as he walked out of his building and up to the fence.

"Can I help you?"

"Hi, we actually have a flat tire. I was wondering if you could help us out?" I asked, giving him a smile.

He debated a second before nodding. "Yeah." He said turning around and walking back.

"This is too easy." I muttered.

He came back and I smiled at him leading him to the car.

"It's just this back one right here."

Kie said pointing to the tire of the trailer hauling the HMS Pogue.

"It must've been a slow leak or something." She said,

"Probably just been sitting in the yard too long?" He asked.


The security man worked on the tire for a little bit until we heard a dog barking. I silently cursed in my head. Stupid boys.

The security guy looked up. "Do you hear that?" He asked.

"Hear what?" I said looking at him confused.

He stood up and looked towards the yard. "Tebows got something."

"It's probably just a raccoon maybe. You know?" Kie said. "Nothing to worry about."

"Yeah." He muttered crouching back to the tire. I watched as he was adding more air and Kie walked behind me to the other tire which I thought she was gonna deflate.

The guy's ear perked up and he stood up walking past me. I let my head fall as I knew the gig was up, the boys better work fast now.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"This one looks a little low too."

The guy took off running into the yard. "Wait! Wait!" Kie yelled at him.

"Shit." I muttered getting in the passenger seat, Kie getting in the front and driving off.


John b pulled up to the wreck to celebrate our long successful day of doing illegal actions.

"Stealing drones makes you hungry." Kie said as John b turned off the van getting out.

"What I would do with a beer and shrimp and grits right now." JJ moaned about getting out.

"I second that." I said getting out after him.

"It would not be pretty." Pope said.

I wasn't sure how Kie dad was going to like us coming to eat. I always had a soft spot in the man's heart, maybe because I was a kook like them or because he knew my step dad but either way He seemed to only like me.

"Hey Mr. Carrera." I said, giving him a small wave.

"Hey Addie, how's your family doing?"

I nodded, "pretty good thank you." I said as I walked to the back with the boys while Kie talked to her dad about giving us food.

They gawked over the food that people were eating and once Kie and her dad even looked at us making all of us give him a slight wave.

Kie hugged her dad before turning to us. "Sit down." She said and the boys moaned in excitement.


I filled up the JJ cup and pushed his feet off the table as he shoved fries into his mouth. "That's disgusting." I said putting a hand on my hip.

Electric Love 𓇽 JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now