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"You don't have to come in, i'll be quick

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"You don't have to come in, i'll be quick." Joey nodded her head, the pair stopping at Joeys house for her to get a change of clothes for the night.

"It's cool." Topper shook his head, not realizing she was hoping he'd stay in the car. He crawled out, pulling the keys and locking the doors. Joeys house was small, a little cabin made out of pale blue wood, up on stilts from the ground. The porch squeaked when they walked up onto it. Joey unlocked the door quickly, walking in. Just as he suspect it to be, the house was so clean it didn't even seem like anyone lived here. "Jesus, it's like a hospital."

Joey smiled. "Thank you."

She suspected him to wait in the tiny kitchen or even in the living room, instead following her toward her room. The hallways was snug, two doors leading to small bedrooms, and one that was a bathroom. Joeys room wasn't even half the size of Toppers, he had no choice but to sit on her bed or they'd run right into each other. It was a twin size mattress, he couldn't help but imagine her and John B smooshed together on it, he wondered if she liked it like that or not.

"It's small." Joey laughed to ease her embarrassment.

"Comfortable." he corrected her, looking at her pillows and seeing the silky green ones that looked nice against the brown comforter. Her closet was longways, having to pull two doors. She had a nightstand right beside her bed that had a jewelry box, a few pair of shoes spread across her wall, and a vase of flowers in the window ceil. The same orchids that he left her when he got his mom irises. "You can hear the ocean."

Joey nodded her head. "Helps me sleep."

"You guys didn't get any damage from the hurricane?" Topper asked her, figuring she would with how close to the ocean she was. "A little bit. But because we're on stilts it didn't really hurt anything too bad."

She grabbed a pair of shorts and a striped shirt that she liked to wear over her baiting suit. Turning, she headed to grab a bag by her bed, walking over as soon as Topper stood up. Because of how close the bed was to the wall, it wasn't meant for two people to stand at the same time. They bumped into each other, Joey seemingly being stronger then Topper was, taking him down as they both tumbled down onto the bed.

𝐒𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑| Topper Thornton| John B RoutledgeWhere stories live. Discover now