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It was a word Mira had been hearing her entire life, a word used to describe her father in every newspaper she saw on her way home from school. Year after year, day after day. The man in blue and silver, The Blue Bullet flew through the clouds, gliding through the air in a blur, whose eyes could stop missiles and burn through any wall or enemy that came at him.

Marcus Rohan had been the only super-powered human on earth for her entire life but that wasn't the case anymore.

Bruce Banner had become The Hulk; Tony Stark had built a suit of armour; an Asgardian had saved a town in New Mexico and then...Steve Rogers had woken up.


Not just one in the world anymore to fight against the most dangerous threats that no spy organisation or government could survive against.

At first, Mira and Quinn Rohan had been thrilled, relief spreading through them at the realization that Marcus would finally have help, and would be able to come home more often to truly be with them as a family. But that relief quickly changed when he started to be called in by Nick Fury even more. Weeks spent watching Tony Stark to ensure he wasn't going to self-implode with the help of James Rhodes, agonizingly long months out in deep space following Loki and Thor showing up, looking for any sign of potential extra-terrestrial threats to their home.

While Marcus had been friendly upon his arrival, Loki hadn't been. Meaning that Fury had been throwing himself more into preparing for an outer space attack.

A lot had changed in the 17 months since Mira's strength had appeared. Not only for the world but also for her.

Now 11 years old, she had more control over her newfound strength than she would have expected. Her fears about being able to simply shake someone's hand had vanished 4 months into her training, though her fear of how strong she could still become never faltered. Every time her father was home, he wanted to see her development. She could lift a car with ease now, but he obviously wanted more which terrified the living hell out of her. Honestly, a small part of her was thankful for Fury constantly having him on missions despite how horrible it sounded, but it meant he had less time for their training sessions, giving her some semblance of balance between her normal life and the life her father wanted for her.

She didn't want to develop her powers quickly, it was too risky, she would rather take her time slowly to ensure that she had complete control, so she never risked hurting someone she cared about or even some bystander by accident because she got too cocky about her abilities.

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