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Everything had gone off the deep end.

After leaving the farmhouse where Clint had been keeping his wife and children off the grid, Tony wanted to try and regain the upper hand. Using the Infinity Stone that had been hidden inside the sceptre to place the remnants of Jarvis inside of the body that Ultron had forced Helen Cho to create. A body of wires and blood and mystical energy powered by the stone.

Marcus had to admit Ultron had learned from his one encounter with Mira.

He had created a body that she wouldn't be able to completely alter, while she might be able the hold Vision back due to the wires running through his veins, she wouldn't be able to transform him completely not when a part of him was now a biological being.

Holding his blue mask in his hands as he perched on one of the chairs, he let his eyes drift away from the newly formed Vision and Thor, his lingering harsh gaze focusing on the Maximoff siblings.

The girl was a problem more than the boy.

Wanda's powers were clearly far more than she realized, while the stone had enhanced her, he had felt the magic spreading through his mind the minute she had used her powers against him back in South Africa. Magic was one of the few things that could mess with a Renterian. One of their few weaknesses. His only relief right now was the fact that she seemed to truly believe her powers had come from the Mind Stone and that alone.

No idea that the stone had simply awakened something that would have otherwise been forgotten and lost. A witch raised by parents with no magic meaning no training or practise, her powers eventually disappearing into the back of her own mind.

That red glow that formed around her fingers just had him all the more concerned, a certain theory running through his mind, one that couldn't truly be possible. That story was of a witch from the Darkhold-which had long ago vanished from this world-so there was no way to confirm the truth, but either way there was no way she was that witch. She was only able to use her powers in certain ways, forcefields, and basic energy blasts with some mental manipulation and telekinesis thrown in.

No ability to bend reality to her will.

While Mira was able to alter the atoms of objects, which was an incredible power one that mirrored bending reality, she couldn't create atoms out of nothing. Couldn't create and rip apart reality with just a mere whisper.

The witch from the Darkhold could.

As long as Wanda Maximoff was not revealed to be The Scarlet Witch, he would resist ripping out her spine.

If anyone would be a threat to his daughter it would be The Scarlet Witch unless somehow Mira managed to learn how to manipulate biological matter.

Despite the voices echoing around him, Marcus kept his gaze glued to the floor, memories of his childhood continuing to plague his mind. The army training, he had been shoved into at 4 years old, the second his ability to fly had shown up. The battles to the death he had to take part in, killing his own classmates to prove that he was strong, that he was worthy of being a Renterian warrior. A member of their planet.

The weak didn't survive on Renterion.

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