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Mira Rohan hated hospitals.

Even if she had only ever been rushed into a medical room once in her life, the context behind why she woke up staring at an ugly ceiling, her eyes being tortured by hideous fluorescent lights was enough to make her feel physically sick just thinking about it. It took everything in her now to force herself to get her scans done at The Compound, fingers always trembling, the terror in her soul not vanishing until she finally escaped.

For a moment as her eyes flickered open and she was met with such a similar sight, her mind went into overdrive. The events of 10 weeks ago rushed through her at superspeed, her father's face haunting her. She shot up quickly on the bed, everything too unfocused around her as she frantically searched the unfamiliar room; for a split second, as she caught a glimpse of her reflection on the mirror above the sink, she could have sworn she saw a familiar face.

Marcus Rohan.

He was gone in a second as two familiar hands brought her back to reality, two hands were on her shoulders. The hands that had cleaned blood off her guilty knuckles, that covered for her, saving her from herself at one of her most self-destructive moments.

Natasha was propped on her bed, smiling at her sadly as continued to stroke her shoulders.

Swallowing, Mira glanced back at the mirror again, sighing in relief.

There was nothing there

She was just going crazy after everything that had happened.

The Airport.

The memories flew at her in a flash, the fight, Pietro running her around like a hot wheels car, Wanda tossing things at her, Clint and her chatting like old friends while mid-fight, Peter jumping and weaving excitedly having never really been in a fight so intense and then...Rhodey.

Rhodey fell 200 feet and she had barely been able to stop him.


His name was playing through her head on a loop like a broken record "Rhodey-Rhod-is-is he okay? Did—"

"Nibblet, shh you'll give yourself a heart attack." Natasha soothed as she cupped the girl's face in her hands offering a small sad smile. She knew this was probably the last time she was ever going to see Mira. Her heart broke at the thought given how much she had come to adore the kid. But, she had made her choice, she had made her bed and now she had to lay in it. The consequences of one choice she made but in no way regretted. She just hoped when Tony tracked down Steve and Bucky, the two of them could put their egos aside and actually listen to each other instead of throwing punches and then asking questions later.

"He is okay. A bit banged, you managed to slow him down enough to keep him from being paralysed, his leg is broken though and his left lung collapsed. Tony had him flown out for the best treatment possible he will be okay."

A massive sigh of relief escaped Mira, her chest slowly starting to relax second by second as she forced herself to replay Natasha's words in her mind. Rhodey was going to be okay.

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