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Knocking on the glass door of the meeting room, Mira couldn't help but gulp as all eyes in the room shifted to her. Every single Avenger tensed up slightly at the sight of her small frame lingering in the doorway. While they had known that Mira had to be here, it didn't mean the urge to keep her out of whatever mess was to come didn't run through all of them.

-Some more intensely than others.

She had just come from school. She looked like a child.

She was a child!

A 14-year-old kid, dragged into this world by her lunatic father who had just finished High School for the day.

"Um...sorry." She whispered, her homework clutched tightly in one arm while her other hand pulled her blue jacket closer to her trying to take comfort in the familiar molecules of the leather on her skin as she felt Secretary Ross turn his focus to her. His eyes were piercing, intimidating despite his age and it had her shifting nervously on her feet. He had the look of a General, just like her father had and she didn't like it.

"The bus doesn't come out this far, I had to wait for a cab."

Ross surprised her by offering her a small gentle smile, which she could assume was meant to settle her nerves, but it just sent shivers up her spine "It's fine Miss Rohan, sorry to pull you away from your homework but it's best you are here. What I am about to tell you all affects you as well."

Mira wanted to sink into a hole and vanish, she wanted to bolt back out of The Compound and set off the lockdown protocol at her apartment.

"Mer..." Rhodey pipped up from one side of the table, perched on the same side as Natasha and Steve.

Vision, Pietro, Sam, and Wanda; positioned directly on the opposite side.

"It's okay." He offered her a reassuring smile which gave her a little comfort.

Feeling a hand tap her shoulder she glanced up at Tony who was now standing beside her "M, go sit by Rhodes okay?" He gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze before lighting pushing her forward while he remained lingering in the back.

Four seats on each side of the table.

Tony lingered in the back, away from everyone as Ross stood at the head.

It felt like a line metaphorically being drawn in the sand.

Placing her homework down, she quickly clambered into the chair between Natasha and Rhodey, the redhead reaching out to squeeze her hand softly as finally, with all members present, Ross stepped forward.

...And it begun...

"Five years ago, I had a heart attack..." Ross motioned a swinging baseball bat for a moment which surprisingly managed to get Mira to untense a little at the thought of the sport that kept her from overthinking every possible issue that was about to be thrown at them "...and dropped right in the middle of my backswing."

Ross glanced briefly at the photo of Tony and Mira in the corner of the room, the girl in her Wolverines baseball uniform.

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