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The defeat of Ultron which had resulted in the complete decimation of the entire country of Sokovia had been breaking news covering every channel for the past 6 days.

As they placed their trays on their regular table, Sammy quickly started throwing the questions that had been building in his mind since the news had originally broken. He had originally wanted to ask the second he saw images of her father and the newly dubbed Quicksilver double-teaming a bunch of robots while the country was floating mid-air but Mira hadn't been back at school till today. Her mother had taken her out following Marcus rushing off to Sokovia, then while Quinn had gone to help heal Pietro in the healing chamber from the single bullet that had managed to hit him in the leg following him diving in front of Clint—

the jacket Mira had given him, saving him from death

...Her father had dragged her out of town for training.

But now that she was back, he was determined to get some answers.

Just as he moved to sit opposite her though, he momentarily froze as he spotted it. Mira never wore make-up, ever. So when she did it was beyond obvious to him and she was very clearly using foundation to cover up bruising around her left eye. Swallowing as worry bubbled in his stomach, he let himself examine her outfit. Mira loved flowy skirts or dresses. Other than her Cardinals jersey, since her powers had kicked in she had always worn short sleeves because her alien biology made her body run hotter than a human's. Even during a snowstorm, she couldn't stand being in a puffer jacket.

She was wearing black jeans and a long purple turtle neck jumper.

Concern sparked in his chest.

What the hell had happened at her more recent training session? While she always came back from them with some bruises, she had never dressed to hide them which meant there were more marks than normal.

Had the Ultron incident sent her father off the deep edge? More desperate than ever to make sure she rose to his definition of perfection?

Given that in a few months she would be moving to New York, he was even more worried. Even if he had only just found out about her powers, it didn't change the fact that normally he was the one that was there when she was upset or injured, the one she admitted her rare fears to and while he didn't doubt they would still call each other constantly given they refused to lose contact, plus their mothers had already planned multiple trips in both cities so they could see each other at least twice every few months, he was worried about her not having someone who knew by her side. Someone who knew all of the hell she was forced to put her body through as her father prepared her. Someone who made sure she ate lunch at school and didn't give in to those little doubts that plagued her constantly because she was scared to admit she didn't want to be like The Blue Bullet.

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