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With her friends still stuck in class, unable to answer her calls, Mira had no one to speak to about what was going on until they finished for the day. Hence why she refused to glance away from her homework as she perched at her desk in the corner of her room, trying to force her mind to focus on something other than the argument that had occurred upstairs.

She had heard Steve rush out about 20 minutes ago, he had even popped his head into her room to tell her he had to go to London so wouldn't be back till tomorrow before leaving The Compound.

It didn't take a genius to figure out what had happened which sent Steve rushing out of the country. All Mira had to do to figure out why Steve was in such a panic was turn on the news on her TV.

Margaret Carter's death was everywhere.

She was an important figure in the world, one of the first women ever in charge of a major political organisation, so the news of her death spread like wildfire.

Mira had always wanted to meet the woman.

In another life, had she been raised around Tony who had known Peggy his entire life maybe that would have been possible, but she had never met Peggy, she had no place at the funeral.

Hearing the door to her room open, Mira let out a relieved breath as she spotted her mother step into the purple-painted room which was littered with photos and glow-in-the-dark stars, coloured balls hanging from strings off the ceiling matching the design of every planet in their galaxy which Rhodey had helped her hang up.

"I tried to get back in time." Quinn assured her daughter as she dragged the chair opposite the TV over to the desk so that she was seated beside her daughter, the stress lines across Mira's forehead as clear as day to her "Pepper was using the jet and every flight I had was on diversion. I tried M, I promise."

The hands cupping her cheeks caused a weak smile to break through "It's okay. It was just...these accords are a lot. Why didn't you tell me-"

"I didn't want my involvement with your deal to affect your opinion." Quinn admitted as her thumbs softly stroked over Mira's chubby cheeks. While she had agreed to make a deal, if Mira didn't want to sign the accords, she was fully prepared for the two of them to run like hell. Ever since the truth about Marcus had been revealed she had been forming a backup plan in case anyone found how about their connection to him.

She had helped the King of Wakanda 10 years ago when he had been severely sick and needed someone with her knowledge about genetics to help him.

Ever since Quinn had stayed in contact with the Queen of the country. Ramonda had understood how hard it was to be married to a man constantly throwing himself into danger, had understood how intense the expectations on an heir could be so had offered her a home if she ever needed it. The second the reveal that Marcus had been planning on killing everyone who got in the way of his mission came out, she offered her and Mira sanctuary at their palace.

If Mira said no to this, despite the fact the King and heir of Wakanda had already agreed to the accords, Ramonda had assured her that a jet would be waiting to bring them to Wakanda before the governments of this world could lay a hand on Mira.

"If you don't want to sign, you don't have to." Quinn assured her "I can get us somewhere safe if you don't want to say yes."

It would break her heart to abandon her friends here, but her daughter came above everything else. No matter what. Whatever it took to ensure Mira had an actual life she would do.

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