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Peter was running.

Peter Parker was running through the streets of New York right towards Avengers Towers as fast as possible. Everything blurred around him as he pushed through the crowds of people, nothing but the memory of Tony Stark finding Mira's blooded unconscious body on the TV screen in the corner of the cafeteria playing on a loop in his brain.

St Louis had been completely demolished.

The Arch was destroyed; all of the skyscrapers were long gone, and office buildings were stained with the blood of innocent people.

The turn of The Blue Bullet, one of Earth's mightiest heroes, with no one but the pink un-named hero standing between him, and the city of terrified innocents had been enough to get the principal to cancel School for the day. 25,000 people were dead, the city of St Louis was almost completely destroyed, and the Avengers had been unable to defend it and its people during the battle.

So, the second the bell rang signalling that they could go home, Peter started running.

He had ignored Michelle and Ned as they threw question after question at him, all he had been able to focus on was Mira's broken face that he had seen through the glass of the TV screen, the memory of her blood staining the earth beneath her with every punch she took, taunting his every little thought.

From what he had seen on the news he knew Tony Stark had found Mira after the private battle she had with her father in the desert just outside of St Louis. Which meant she was at Avengers Tower, half dead. There was no way Stark or her mother would let her be taken to a random hospital near St Louis, they would want Mira under their care given how extensive her injuries were, and they would want to protect her identity at all cost, now more than ever.

Injuries caused by her dad.

The man that J. Jonah Jameson had quickly dubbed the Destroyer of St Louis.

Spotting the Tower in his peripheral vision, Peter forced his thighs forward, feet moving at an insane inhuman speed as he leapt over a nearby car, his focus never wavering.

Peter wasn't messing around right now.

One of his best friends had just gone through hell on Earth...Mira had just gone through hell.

His feet kept moving forward, backpack hanging over his shoulder as he dived out of the way of a nearby taxi cab. The blood spraying from Mira's mouth was still playing on a loop through his mind, her pain-filled sobs echoing through his ears as he flipped over another car. For a moment, he forgot about his secret identity, all he kept coming back to was the image of Marcus slamming Mira into the side of The Arch in St Louis.

His body slammed through the doors leading into Avengers Tower, eyes quickly landing on the assistant at the front desk as he panted heavily.

Duty Of Blood | Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now