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Binarily Augmented Retro-Framing.


The project her mother and Tony had been working on for the past 16 months in preparation for this presentation at M.I.T. Projections for the human eye that hijacked the hippocampus to help clear traumatic memories, which explained why they hadn't told her about it given everything that happened with her father. Both Tony and Quinn knew she would want to use their work to force her trauma away, letting herself fall into a fantasy where her father had never turned on them.

Every time Tony said the acronym though she couldn't help but giggle from the side of the stage.

Midway through his speech, Tony paused glancing back at her, shooting her a narrowed gaze having heard her quiet laughter "Apparently my niece hates the name too. I really got to workshop it."

Quinn snorted from beside him on the stage "Well, you spent $611 million for this therapeutic experiment and that was the best name you could come up with? Old age is getting to you, Tony-"

"-Everyone ignore Dr. Rohan, she has brain damage." He shot back before grinning over at the students filling the hall around them, all of the young minds that would be their scientific future, inventing the next greats, watching the pair of them intently. Attention never drifted away as the projection around the stage slowly started to flicker away.

"Mira?" Tony clicked his fingers in her direction "Remind me what is the M.I.T. admissions statement?"

Mira was beyond glad that none of the college students could see her right now through the black curtains currently shielding her away from their curious prying eyes "Um...to generate, disseminate, and preserve knowledge."

Tony instantly grinned at her proudly "That's why you're my favourite." He teasingly nudged Quinn's shoulder "You still sure?"

Quinn rolled her eyes, was he never going to stop bringing up his insane theory that somehow Mira was secretly his daughter? It had been almost three years and he wouldn't shut up about it "I would rather pry out my eyes with sporks."

The crowd snickered around them.

Mira couldn't help but snicker with them as she watched on, not noticing the fuming man just off to her left who she had barely caught a glimpse of storm off furiously. What the guy's problem was she had no idea, but she didn't care right now. Her entire focus was on enjoying this moment in front of her, watching on with a bright beaming smile as her mother and Tony moved around the stage speaking to the kids. She loved seeing her mother so happy. She knew her mom had been struggling lately, hence why she had been throwing herself into her projects all the more, a way to drown out the whispers in her mind that had been left behind after 20 long years of lies.

Quinn Rohan was a genius who had gone through hell, and she deserved to be praised for her mind.

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