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New York Hall of Science.

The field trip to NYSCI that Mira had been looking forward to for months given the genetically altered spider expedition they had going on at the moment was today. So of course, today was the day her father chose to show up right before they got on the bus, dragging her out of school for the day to come with him on a mission.

Hence how Mira found herself in The Bronx, a navy blue piece of fabric pulled over her lips and nose, the same shade of her father's suit, brown eyes scanning the men currently robbing the bank across the street with her father by her side.

"Look at them, Mira. Ants desperate for money and fame."

Mira really hated it when her father referred to humans as ants but given these men were robbing a bank, she kept her complaints to herself. Instead, she focused on the clear leader of the trio, eyes scanning his plump body up and down closely "I see them."

Marcus just hummed as he squeezed her navy suit-covered shoulders in support.

Leaving her in the streets in a navy copy of one of Natasha's old suits with a thin piece of fabric keeping her identity concealed wasn't ideal but Tony wasn't done with her suit template. The very first attempt he had made for Mira she had hated it, leaving the billionaire to start from scratch determined to prove he could design something she liked given that he hadn't expected a teenage girl to be this hard to please.

When she demanded pink in her suit, Marcus was pretty sure Tony had almost fainted.

"Good, now all you have to do is knock them out. I called the police six minutes ago so that gives you about 320 seconds to do that and get out of sight before they arrive."

When he gave her a small nudge forward, Mira forced herself to nod and slivered around the side of the building until she was right outside the doors leading to the entrance of the bank.

"You know cops these days never show up on time." She chimed playfully as she pushed open the doors, the three robbers jumping at the sound of her voice, one almost dropping his gun for a second before he focused it on her forehead.

"Oh, I'm sorry were you in the middle of something?"

Mira received no answer but rather three guns being aimed at her head. It was completely unfair-

-for them that is.

"Got to love it you know-" She let her navy, fingerless glove-covered hand stroke over the table in front of her grimacing slightly at the dust that appeared "When your dad drags you out of class for the day, you pray it is to go to Coney Island. But nope! I get stuck dealing with you three. I mean why do I even bother to do anything if at any moment this is my life? Dad says I have to be sharp but look at my hair!"

She pointed at the messy plate her father had made her do which had completely ruined the curls Pepper had done for her yesterday.

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