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"Are you seriously doing the detention thing again?"

The second Mira saw Michelle sitting in the back of the history room, chin resting in her hand as her hands continued to drag a pencil along her sketchbook, eyes glued to the side of Justin's head as he pouted at the desk across from her, she couldn't help but laugh. Over the past few weeks, Michelle had started sneaking in to sit in the back of detention drawing anyone she could declare looked like a kicked puppy.

"The most distressed people are always in here." Michelle countered dryly before her brows started to furrow, confusion flooding her system as he watched Mira sit down beside her, settling into her chair and dumping her homework on the desk.

-What the hell was happening?

How was goody-to shoes, top of their class, straight-A-student, Mira Rohan, who didn't have a single mark on her record, in detention right now?

Mira never got in trouble at school, not once, she was the definition of a perfect student. Always answering questions politely and never talking back in class. She did extra credit work despite all of the clubs she was in and pretty much all of the teachers loved her. Except for maybe the gym teacher but that was because she did that freaky head tilt at the start of the year at him and he had been petrified of her ever since.

So the question remained, what had she done to manage getting detention and why wasn't she freaking out about it?

Mira was always over-thinking, her brain too panicked about even the possibility of getting into trouble. The desire to be a good student had just gotten more intense since St Louis, almost like she was scared of herself and every choice she made.

"M, what are you doing here?"

Mira just grumbled, quickly gesturing to where Flash was entering the room, bloody tissues shoved up his nose and a black eye forming on his left eye.

"I may have punched Flash in the face after algebra."

Michelle's eyes bugged, her mouth hanging open in shock as she stared at her friend in disbelief. Since when did Mira throw the first punch? If she had willingly punched Flash on school grounds, he had to have pushed her to the edge. Mira never lost her temper, honestly, Michelle was pretty sure Mira didn't have one, she was always so composed. She didn't think there was an anger bone in the girl's body.

-Was it wrong that she liked Mira even more now?

"Did he deserve it?"

Mira just sighed, a bitter look flashing through her eyes so quickly that Michelle almost missed it "He was talking about St Louis. Going on and on about how Spiderman could have stopped all the deaths."

-So yes, he did deserve it.

Flash was weirdly obsessed with Spiderman, to the point where both girls were convinced he was in love with the hero.

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