( twenty-six. )

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Junes head was in her hands as she thought about JJ. She had no idea how to get him out of her head and she was so worried about him that she felt like she could get sick. The others didn't seem as worried as she was brushing it off with a 'he'll be okay' and 'it's just a JJ thing'. And maybe it was but this was June's first time really honestly experiencing a 'JJ thing' and she wasn't doing well. In the past couple days and weeks she had been through a lot, they all had been, and still in the midst of all that she had found JJ, and she would always be thankful for that. She always had a hard time showing feelings, and definitely had a hard time saying them out loud. But with JJ nothing was hard, it had been easier to tell him in the night of Midsummers how she felt than it was to tell Zach how she felt after two years together. Being with JJ was easy and right. So yes, she was beyond worried. He had ran away with 25k and no one knew what he was going to do with it.

"June. Did you hear me?" John B asked, pulling June out of her thoughts and back to the table she was sitting around. She shook her head, bringing her head up from her hands while doing so.

"No I'm sorry. My mind is somewhere else." She said, lookin four the window of the Wreck. She looked back at John B. "What'd you say?"

"I asked how you were doing. Your arm and all." John B has a genuine look of concern in his face as he asked her. June nodded, biting her lip and looking away again.

"Okay. It's too dangerous to lawn this thing off piecemeal. So our best bet is to go down there and get the rest of it. Bring it all up at once—put it in a safe or vault or something. I don't know. Just until we can find someone who won't rip us off. I can go figure it out tonight. I can get it all done and we can be out there as early as tomorrow morning." Pipe finally pulled himself away from the window, telling them the plan.

"Alright let's do it."

"Easy." Pope finishes. Sarah looked over at John B, her eyebrows raised.

"What about that thing with my dad?" She asked. June sat up in her seat, looking interested at the comment about Ward Cameron. She then remembered Ward sneaking around her house and her parents whispers about 400 million dollars. But she just kept quiet as they continued to speak.


"What thing?" Pope asked.

" I have to go fishing with Ward." June snorted at that, shaking her head, an uncomfortable feeling settling into her bones. He just wasn't sitting right with her.

"You can't get 400 mil 'cause you're gonna go kill fish?" Kie asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Look, I have to go."

"Blow it off. It's 400 million in gold!" Pope said, confused why this was even a question .

"Make something up!"

"John B, you probably shouldn't go." June said, giving him a look. He shook his head at her, confused. June jerked her head to the side, insinuating that they needed to talk  in private.

"Look I-I have to okay? He...he saved me, all right? If it weren't for Ward I'd be in foster care. So...I have to go. Plus, it'll be better to do it at night. Right?" John B said, making his point clear. June still wasn't okay with it, making it obvious that she needed to talk to him. They all shred a look before inevitably not caring enough, giving in.

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