( fourty-four. )

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June was standing behind John B, a smile on her lips due to the fact that she couldn't shake the thought of JJ.  Her lips were still burning from their kiss and the sensation made her feelings for him grow even more. June wanted JJ more than anything right now, not caring about anything else that had happened in the last 24 hours. She had never felt this strongly about anyone before.

John B looked back at her, wondering what was on her mind.  She looked a mess, her face covered in blood and dirt and her clothes super dirty.  He was wondering what had happened while they were separated...finally letting his curiosity get to him and opening his mouth to ask her.

"June?" He said, turning his head to look at her. She looked at him with her eyebrows raised, wondering what it was that he needed. "What happened when we were separated? Why's um...why's your face all bloody and stuff?" He asked her. June smile dropped as she thought of what had happened with Rafe.

"Well we got cornered by Rafe and Barry and then Barry elbowed me in the face. Then I almost killed Rafe...I almost killed him." June's eyes were wide as she remembered the scary moment. The worst part was that every inch of her was screaming to pull the trigger.

"Oh...okay." He said, seeing the indescribable expression on her face and deciding to leave it alone. But now that he had brought it up her mind was filled with thoughts of Rafe, Barry, and her shaky hands on the gun.

They passed another dock, June being pulled out of her thoughts by a voice calling to them.

"John B!" The voice yelled, making them both look towards the dock. It was Sarah, running towards the boat as quick as her legs could take her. John B lit up, pulling the boat towards the dock for her to get on.

"S-Sarah!" He yelled, his relief evident as she got into the boat. June heart swelled as she watched the scene before her, contentment going through her knowing John B was with Sarah again.

"Hey. What are you doing? I didn't think you were coming. You weren't at the dock." John B said, pulling her to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, rubbing a hand over his cheek and smiling.

"You were just going to leave without saying goodbye?" She said before closing the space between them. June looked away as they kissed, a pang hitting her chest as she thought of JJ. She should have brought him along. The thought of being without him for weeks or months made her uneasy, the two having been inseparable for awhile now. She thought back to the first night they really met, the smug smile he had on his face. Or when they first hung out and the gold wasn't serious and there was no dead people or murders. When everything was light hearted and happy. June longed for those times, a frown etching it's way into her face as she thought back.

"June!" Sarah said, making her jump and look at Sarah. "What happened to you?" Sarah asked as John B started driving the boat away again, Sarah walking over to sit by June.

"A lot happened. It doesn't matter right now." June said, not really wanting to explain it again. "All that matters is that we get the hell out of here without getting caught." Sarah nodded, moving on and asking her about JJ.

"Do you get to say goodbye to JJ?" Sarah asked, looking back at John B who's eyes were already trained on her. She sent him a smile and then looked back at June.

"I did. I already miss him." June let out a flat chuckle as John B rounded a curve of land. Sarah nodded, standing from her spot and making her way back to John Bs arms. June stood too, following after Sarah and standing on the other side of John B. She tucked her arms into each other, a frown embedded on her face as she realized how much she really did already miss JJ.

TRUST FUND BABY  ↳  JJ MAYBANK | 1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora