( fourty- three. )

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June stood on the boat, holding the wheel as they waited for John B. June's hand was aching, along with her head and her mouth, but the fresh wounds on her hand hurting the most. JJ was standing on the boat behind her, settling the boxes of food for them.

"Dude where is he?" Kie asked, stepping towards Pope.

"Give him a second. He'll be here." Pope said looking at her.

"He's coming. He'll be fine." JJ said, pulling a blanket from the wheel and dropping it by the boxes of food. Their heads all turned as they heard a police siren, the truck pulling into the dock.

"JJ!" Kie yelled. JJ looked frantically at June, grabbing the blanket and pushing her onto the floor of the boat. He threw the blanket over her as he yelled for the others to get on.

"Shit!" Kie said in a panic.

"Wait. No way." JJ said, looking at who got out of the car.

"No effing way." Pope said as June pulled the cover off of her head. She looked over at John B, relief filling every inch of her body's s she jumped off the boat.

"I'm sorry." Kie said shocked.

"You've gotta be kidding me." JJ said, helping June off the boat. She got off, running towards John B and throwing herself into his arms. He hugged her back, pulling away soon after. They looked at each other with pain filled eyes as he stared at her blood stained chin and red teeth.

"What the hell happened to you?" He asked before turning away towards his friends.

"Shoupe let me take it for a spin." John B said, pulling his backpack into his shoulders and brushing his hair from his face.

"Okay thats believable. I'll buy that for now." Kie said as she pulled John B into a hug.

"It wasn't easy bro but I got the Phantom for you. And she runs like she was made yesterday. We got it all packed up for you and June." JJ said, patting the boats wheel. He threw John B the keys, John B easily catching him.

"You guys ready to go?" JJ asked, jumping off the boat and walking towards June and John B.

"Where's Sarah?" John B asked.

"She's not with you?" Kie asked.

"No we got separated in the swamp. She said she'd meet me here." John B explained.

"No we haven't seen her." Pope said.

"Okay well I'm not leaving without her." John B said frantically.

"John B look at me. I know you feel bad for leaving but there's no time, man. You've got plenty of gas and plenty of food. Once you get around that point it's a straight shot across the sound to Dismal Swamp okay? Once you get there lay low alright? Hang out for a couple weeks and then go overland, cross the border at Brownsville okay? June are you listening? Brownsville. Hey you got that?!" JJ asked, grabbing June's hand and grabbing John Bs face with the other one.

"Yeah yeah. Brownsville." John B said, nodding his head. JJ looked back at June who also nodded.

"Alright. Saddle her up, saltwater cowboy. Let's do this yeah?" JJ said, pulling a June back into the boat. He didn't let go of her hand though, not quite ready to.

"Hey. Hey. I'm sorry for basically throwing us off a cliff with this whole treasure hunt thing." John B said, tears gathering in his eyes.

"Hey John B, yo...we were bound to run off a cliff at some point right?" JJ said, making them all share a half hearted laugh. June nodded, not wanting to look at them as she looked over her shoulder.

"At least we did it together though. Pogue style." JJ said, wrapping his arms around Kie and Pope.

"Pogue style." John B and June said at the same time, June looking back at them. She could feel the tears gathering in her eyes again as she but her lip to keep them from spilling.

"Get out of here please." Kie finally broke the silence, making June shake her head. Something about this goodbye feeling off, like it was final.

"Get out of her guys. And John B... don't let my girlfriend out of your sight. We'll see you in two months, down in Mexico." JJ said, his eyes trailing towards June as she fought back tears.

"Love you." He added, making June's heart pang. They all watched as the two turned away, everyone trying not the feel sad or upset.

"Hey wait-wait!" John B said, raising his fist to his mouth and fighting his tears. "Tell Sarah I said goodbye okay?" He said, his voice breaking.

"Don't forget. Cross the border at Brownsville all right?" JJ said one last time. June pushed her head into her hands as John B started the engine, all of them punching the boat away. He pulled the boat away, June's heart pounding as she rode away.

"Wait! Stop!" June said, shooting yo form her spot. She looked to JJ who turned around at the sound of her voice. She ran across the boat, jumping off the side and barely hitting the dock with her knees, a grunt escaping her lips. She sprung up, running towards JJ who was caught by surprise. She grabbed his face, pressing her lips to his as tears slipped down her face. Their kiss was a mix of tears and dried blood but she couldn't help but feel the banging of her heart in her chest and the fire spreading through her body everywhere he was touching . She pulled back, looking him in the eyes and finally saying the words he had been waiting for.

"I love you JJ. It's you. I love you. "June let out, a smile on her red lips as he looked at her in shock. The planets seemed to align in that moment, everything right in the world as they looked at each other. She loved him and he loved her and everything was good in the world for just that second. He smiled, not caring about the blood and tears and the dirt and instead pressing his lips back to hers.

"I love you too. Please be careful." JJ said, kissing her one more time. She pulled back, memorizing his face as she ran her thumb over his lip.

"Im gonna make it back to you." June said, backing away and towards the boat again. JJ laughed, her heart clenching as she walked away from him.

"You fucking better." He said, shaking his head. She finally turned away from him, jumping back into the boat that John B hand pulled back to the dock. John B looked hurt, probably regretting not getting that moment with Sarah. But as June sat back down all she could think about was the buzzing of her lips, the relief of finally telling the boy she loved that she loved him, and the hope she held for the future.


guys y'all are not ready for these last few chapters. I'm bout to rock your fucking world  😭😳 also please continue to comment because It makes me so happy to read them. 

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