( thirty-three. )

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When they finally woke up it was about 6 am, the two of them waking up with aching backs. June stood and stretched, her back popping as she did so. She walked upstairs, grabbing a towel before going into the bathroom and starting the shower. She let the water run over her skin, feeling her muscles release as the warm water ran over them. Just as she reached for the body wash she heard a knock on the door, before the sound of the door opening filled the room. She raised her eyebrows, peeking out from behind the curtain at a sheepish looking JJ, with his back pressed against the door.

"Can I help you?" June asked, covering up her body with the curtain. JJ wiggled his eyebrows at her, stepping closer.

"I mean...you can definitely help me." He said, causing June to roll her eyes.

"Don't even try it. Get out and get dressed. There's clothes in Adams room if you need them." She said, pouring the shampoo into her hand and massaging it into her hair. JJ poured and whined but June wasn't giving in, even though she had a smile stuck on her  face. She pointed towards the door and gave him a glare, getting her point across. JJ nodded and sighed before turning around, and heading out of the bathroom. June cut the shower off soon after, wrapping a towel around herself and making her way to her bedroom. She closed the door behind her, giggling as JJ watched her walk across the room. He stood from his spot, his mouth hanging open. She reached into her closet, grabbing at a shirt and some shorts. As she pulled it out and closed the closet door, JJ wedged himself between her and the door, snatching the clothes from her hand. His other hand went to her wait, making her roll her eyes.

"JJ give me my clothes." June said, reaching to grab them while folding her towel in place. JJ shook his head, throwing them across the room and holding her in place.

"Not until you give me a kiss." He said, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. June rolled her eyes, smacking his chest. He didn't budge though, causing her to give him a small smile.

"Whatever." She said, reaching up for a kiss. Just as their lips brushed against each other's she jumped back, getting out of his grip and running across the room to her clothes. He chased her, grabbing her from behind and lifting her away from her clothes.

"JJ you ass. Put me down." She giggled out as he swung her around again. He just shook his head, a mischievous smile on his lips. She punched him in the arm finally causing him to drop her to the ground, her feet landing with a thud.

"Ouch Carly." JJ said, rubbing his arm. She rolled her eyes and grabbed her clothes, running to the bathroom to change before he could grab her again. When she finished she walked back in, her eyebrows shooting up at the sight of JJ looking through her drawers.

"You perv." She said as he jumped back, slamming the door closed and shoving his hands into his pockets. His cheeks flushed as he tried to explain what he was doing. June laughed as he did so, shaking her head in disbelief at his terrible excuses. They finally got themselves together, making their way downstairs to get some food and then heading out to June's car. As her car came into view she was struck with the dream like memories of Rafe visiting her. She stopped in her tracks, gripping her keys in her hand.

"Shit." She said as she realized that it had actually happened, that her confrontation with Zach had actually happened, that her fight with JJ and her breakdown had actually happened, and that her dad being sick had actually happened. She looked visibly shaken, which made JJ stop in his tracks to ask her what's wrong.

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