( twenty-seven. )

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June opened her front door, her arms wrapped around JJs waist as she closed the door behind her. They made their way up the stairs, not caring about noise as much because her parents car was missing from the drive way. She soon remembered that her parents were going to the mainland for a week for her dads business. Things had gotten so crazy that she just forgot about the big trip. Weeks ago she was planning a party but it didn't really seem to be in the plans anymore. She had bigger fish to fry.

June opened the bedroom door, sitting on the edge of her bed, JJ following behind her.  She laid back, resting her head on the pillow, but he just stayed put. He was staring right ahead of him,  looking emotionally drained and lost in thought.

"Come here." She said, holding her arms out to him. He nodded, putting his head on her chest as she wrapped her arms around his head, running her fingers through his hair. He balled her shirt into his hands and buried his face further into her. This was pure comfort like this. He still seemed to be crying softly, his dad really doing a number on him. June's heart was breaking for him, it was worse than she'd thought.  After awhile June could only hear light snores and she pulled back, smiling at him. She ran her fingers through his hair again as she pressed a kiss to his lips. He was so peaceful in his sleep, you wouldn't even know that he had spent the last few hours crying. She felt a swelling in her heart as she looked at him. She knew what it was but she also knew it was too early to say it. But she couldn't hold it in. She pushed another hair out of his face, taking him in before  spitting out the words she'd been dying to say.

"I think I love you JJ." She said. The relief washed over her as she finally said it out loud.  She had thought about it since their first night together, even though it was early and it was too still early now.  But she just knew what she felt, and no matter what she couldn't hold it back anymore. She was beyond sure, she had never felt this way with Zach, which shed a light into her whole previous relationship.  He was always on her mind, when they weren't around each other she was thinking of the next time she would be with him. She didn't really understand the feeling of falling for JJ but it made her want more.

"What?" JJ asked, stirring and peeking his eyes open. June pressed a kiss to the top of his head before shaking her own.

"Nothing." She said as they looked at each other. He smiled sleepily, closing his eyes again to try and  drift back into sleep. He thought he had heard her, maybe in his sleep but he was so unsure if he had actually heard her talk or if he was just imagining things. June still couldn't sleep as he snuggled into her chest some more, so she just laid there and admired him, wondering what had happened between him and his dad. She pulled the blanket over the both of them, closing her eyes and resting her head above JJs. June soon drifted to sleep herself, her mind never straying from the thought of JJ.


June awoke the next morning with JJ still resting his head on her chest, his chest riding and falling with rhythmic breaths as he slept. She laid there for a moment longer before deciding to get ready, they had a lot to do today. She tried to get up from the bed without waking him but she wasn't very successful as she saw him start to move. She walked to the closet, grabbing clothes out of it  and then turning back to look at JJ. He was turned over now, watching as she got dressed  with a small grin on his face.

"Good morning sunshine." June said, walking over and pressing a kiss to his lips. He returned it, his lips upturned as he reached to grab her face. They stayed like that for a moment longer before JJ grabbed her, flipping her onto the bed. He hovered over her, the grin on his face growing as he looked down at her. She raised her eyebrows at him, reaching up to run a hand over his chest, looking at the bruises there. JJ grabbed her hand, pulling it away from the bruises and instead to his lips, kissing the back of it.

TRUST FUND BABY  ↳  JJ MAYBANK | 1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora