Jayde Carrera and Rafe Cameron in my bed?

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I wake up, and roll over, I look around, expecting Rafe to be next to me in my bedroom. But I'm laying in John B's bed. I sit up very confused, and get off the bed and walk over to the mirror in the corner of John B's room. I'm wearing a shirt of John B's and my pink bathing suit is underneath. "What the fuck happened last night?" I question, rubbing my face. I notice Rafe's reflection in the mirror, he stands in the door way and chuckles, and he walks towards me.

"We went to a Kegger. You passed out on the beach, so did John B. He's awake in the kitchen right now making breakfast lemme go get him." Rafe says giving me a recap of my night, he turns around and walks out of John B's room.

"What the fuck am I wearing?" I question, turning back towards the mirror.

"My shirt." John B says standing in the doorway, "Do I even want to know why I woke up with Jayde Carrera and Rafe Cameron in my bed?"

"Well I had to carry Jayde in and I set her on the bed, JJ passed out on the couch, so me and Pope carried you in and laid you on the bed also since the couch was taken." Rafe says walking past John B, and sitting down on the bed.

"Where is pope?" John B asks, looking around.

"Passed out on the hammock outside." Rafe says pointing out the window to Pope. "Kie slept in the Twinkie, but left because she had work."

"You guys slept in the same bed as each other?" I  question, pointing to John B and Rafe and then laughing.

"Yeah I mean I wasn't gonna sleep on the floor." Rafe says, kicking a can laying on the floor.

"Omg." I say, walking out of the room and into the kitchen.

"I still don't know how to feel about this. Sleeping with my ex and the kook prince at the same time? I'm still trying to process this." John B says, running his hands through his messy brown hair.

"Who slept with who." JJ asks, walking over from the couch.

"Me, Rafe, and John B slept together." I say, grabbing a piece of bacon and taking a bite, and then smirking.

"Holy shit." JJ says.

"It's not like that, it's definitely not weird. Why is everyone making it weird?" I question, shrugging. Pope then walks in the front door.

"Good Morning sunshine." John B says, to Pope.

"Good morning guys." Pope says walking to the fridge. He grabs an orange juice carton and checks the expiration date, he quickly sets it back down.

"What's the move for today." I ask, walking over to the counter and grabbing bread, peanut butter and jelly.

"We have to go get Kie from the wreck." JJ says, walking over me. "Make me one of those." JJ says, pointing to the PB&J supplies on the counter.

"I wouldn't use that bread, it had mold on it weeks ago." Pope says.

"Ew." I say, holding a piece of moldy bread in the air and wiggling it around.

"It's fine," JJ says, pushing me out of the way and making a PB&J for himself, "Mold is a natural organism, it's good for your body."

"Wtf, i don't think that's how it works." Rafe says watching him with a concerned look on his face. JJ takes a bite of the sandwich and gags.

"Dumb ass." I say,  under my breath. "We can just pick up food at The Wreck when we go to get Kie since you guys don't like JBs cooking." I say.

"Alright let's go then I'm starving,'' Pope says. John B grabs his keys and runs out to the twinkie, everyone follows him. JJ and I try squeezing in the door at the same time,  JJ gets through first.

"HAH suck my as JD." JJ says.

"No thanks." I say, plopping down next to him. Rafe sits next to me, and pope sits in the front. I grab my bag and take my dab pen out and take a hit.

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