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"How's that feeling?"

"Good, sturdy!"

"John B pulling a houdini."

I nod, looking around, "where is he anyways?"

Pope shrugs, "we gotta get this done, I have my scholarship interview tomorrow morning."

"Speak of the devil, hey!"

I turn, John B marching over from the dock, an unmovable scowl on his face. Of course JJ continues talking, "dude I set up the entire winch to pull up the gold and everything."

"No he did not! I did that!"

"John B?"

He storms past me and I follow him into the house. Could fishing with Ward have put him in this bad of a mood? I find him rummaging through drawers and cabinets, searching for something.

"Hey are you okay?"

"What's going on?"

"What're you looking for?"

He digs under the couch cushions, pulling out the gun and my heart drops. "John B what do you need the gun for?"

JJ steps towards him, John B shoving him onto the couch as he makes for the door. Pope jumps in his way this time, John B throwing him back into the table.

What is his issue?

I follow him out of the house as he gets onto JJ's bike, revving the engine. "John B!" I shout, "John B what the hell?!"

"Ward knows about the gold!" he turns to us, "he killed my dad."

He speeds off and my eyes widen, "John B!"

JJ turns to me, "he's gonna go try and kill ward."

I shake my head, "he- he can't- Wheezy and Sarah- What is he talking about?!" I run my hands through my hair.

It can't be true, can it?

I finally find my dad and he's a murderer.

And he didn't kill just anybody, he killed Big John.

I feel JJ set a hand on my shoulder as he kneels beside me, wrapping his arms around me, "hey it's okay, it's gonna be fine."

I shake my head, "no- let me go!"

Kiara comes over, clasping my face in her hands, "Cat it's okay, it's okay. We're gonna find John B and he's gonna explain everything. Then we can talk to Sarah."

I nod, tears rolling down my cheeks, "okay, okay I'm okay."

* * *

I run my hand over the back of my phone case, my eyes lingering on the old polaroid in it. Why couldn't things always be like that? Why did anything have to change?

"Okay so what now? We go up to the front door and ask if they've seen John B?"

"He lives at Tanny hill now, it's plausible!"

I shake my head, "I've never seen John B like that."

"Hey I see ward!"

Kiara grabs the binoculars from Pope, holding them to her eyes.

Pope shrugs, "doesn't look dead to me, let's go home."

I look up at him, "what?"

"Obviously Mr. Cameron is fine and even if John B was here, he isn't now. Plus I have the biggest most important moment of my life in six hours."

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