twenty six.

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I can't believe I'm doing this.

I flatten out my skirt, slipping into my mary janes. It's been about a month and a half since John B was declared "dead".

I've kind of been keeping to myself since then.

Aside from occasionally meeting up with JJ or Wheezy I haven't really been leaving my house. My dad understands, or at least he acts like he does.

However, now the summers over and it's time to start school again.

I grab my backpack, making for the front door. My dad's already left for work and it's just me and bear. She's curled up on my surfboard again, purring happily to herself.

I leave her be and climb into my car, starting my drive to school.

* * *

"Hey isn't that..."

"I didn't think she'd come back."

"She has some guts showing her face here."

I sigh, striding into school and past all the gawkers that are my classmates. I stop at my locker to drop some things off and am suddenly hit with a memory of Sarah inviting me to her end of year party freshman year.

Now part of me wishes I would've gone.

"Lia! Lia you came!"

Wheezy runs over to me, grinning. I smile at her, "hey Wheeze, how are you? Excited for freshman year?"

She nods, "a little nervous but I'll be okay."

We start down the hall together, "you know where your first class is right?"

"Yeah it's down stairs, I have english first."

"Don't be late on my account."

"Okay I'll go," she stops, turning to face me, "you'll be okay right?"

I nod, "of course, don't worry about me."

She hesitates slightly before turning and starting towards the stairs to get to her first class. I turn to my left, finding myself right outside of my homeroom.

When I step inside the classroom goes quiet, everyone looking at me. I ignore them and make my way to a table at the back. I sit down and direct my gaze out the window.

"Cat? Can I sit here?"

I look up.


"Uh sure."

He sits, drumming his fingers on the table, " are you? You know with everything-"

"I'm okay," I smile, "getting better."

He smiles back, "I'm glad, really."

* * *

It's third period when my phone dings with a text.

Turns out me and Topper actually have a lot of classes together. And he's decided to sit next to me in every single one of them.

"Who is it?"

I shrug, "spam."

I swipe up, opening the message to see a picture of John B and Sarah. My eyes widen and I quickly shield the phone from Topper's view.

I begin to shove my things into my bag, "I've gotta go."

"What why? What was the text?"

"Family emergency, cover for me."

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